Super Ghetto Method:
Hit restart button on your computer. Let machine boot up until you see the windows XP loading thing with the little chaser worm (3 green dot/lines) then hit reboot again (the actual button on the computer.) At this point, your compy will be like "wtf m8? I wanted to boot but something went wrong!" and it will bring up a fancy lil menu that says something along the lines of "Your compy crapped out instead of starting! I don't know whats wrong, maybe you do!" then choose safe mode and bam ur good.
Hit restart button on your computer. Let machine boot up until you see the windows XP loading thing with the little chaser worm (3 green dot/lines) then hit reboot again (the actual button on the computer.) At this point, your compy will be like "wtf m8? I wanted to boot but something went wrong!" and it will bring up a fancy lil menu that says something along the lines of "Your compy crapped out instead of starting! I don't know whats wrong, maybe you do!" then choose safe mode and bam ur good.