One thing I can't abide is a kid - and that's what you are drf; you prove it with every post - who disobeys his parents, who love him to bits and are only concerned with his welfare.

Todays' "time outs" & "groundings" teach a kid nothin', because there is no major consequences involved. I hated the corrections that I received, & sometimes they definantly were a bit harsh, but I can honestly say that it kept me walkin' on the "straight & narrow" path!
I am actually using this thread in my son's educuation (homeschooled), because it shows him the dialoge between other parents on here, & that we all have the same message & goal in mind.
He has always been truthful with us; in fact, he will even tell on himself, ending up "getting himself in trouble", because he Knows how important the trust & communication is between us.
I would be very deeply hurt if I found out that he lied to me & didn't confess after he "came to his senses". He is My Child And My Best Friend, & we don't ever want to lose that wonderful relationship.
drf, if you showed this thread to your mom & dad, & they read all the heartfelt replies on here, unless I miss my guess, there wouldn't be a dry eye in your house, & I feel that the distrust would immediately start to heal/mend, because at that point,
they would realize that you had the courage to stand up & be a could only get better from that point on - who knows, you may even get full internet privileges back

Now, do the right thing

@ BTW, my son is Not allowed in chatrooms!
It's no wonder most of the people on IRC are college students, because then they finally break free of their parents
