And also, as long as you don't give away any identifyable info, how the heck can someone find other info?
After a short while he replied to her email with her NAME, & the TOWN where she lived...she states in the thread that she gave him no identifying info. other than the email address. This was a thread from an adult female.
My point is that you should be getting advice from friends and family, not people who you really don't know. You don't really know anybody here. Neither do I. No one here knows each other. It's the nature of the beast.
I work with a fellow that is a guard at a local county prison, & he tells me same kinds of stories.
The 'net could be, & can be a wonderful place for meeting people, getting together with online friends, etc., but with the "way" things are today, you have to be very concerned/afraid to make almost any contact at all.
I do a lot of ebay sales; when I started selling, I acquired a P.O. Box address at the local Post Office so I could remain anonymous when dealing with buyers. I was soon informed at the post office that there was no anonymity & that virtually anyone wanting to contact me thru the P.O. Box could easily get my phone # & home address...I was not happy with that, to say the least.
So, I guard my families' privacy very heavily. But, it seems that the criminals are always a "step ahead". That's where us parents come in. It sounds to me like you have "Top-Notch" parents that want to stay involved in your personal life; I applaud them for it! May I also suggest to them "Cyberpatrol" as a monitoring/blocking pgm. for your pc!

RANT OFF <again>
