Why can't people be more nice?

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  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    I sense the seed of a flame war has been sown....


    • SKD_Tech
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Jan 2003
      • 1512

      He hasn't talked since yesturday and I don't plan on talking to him


      • SKD_Tech
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2003
        • 1512

        Originally posted by iq454
        Okay, now I know your a w-a-n-k-e-r---and a KID that just helps people in solving illegal problems by bypassing Copyright protection on DVD's and god knows what else, so don't talk to me about changing my Signature and being nice.

        O yeah you said "I think (not to hard I hope), your signature is inappropriate and I'm sure others do as well"

        I have asked over 20 people already and they have all said there is nothing wrong with my signature, actually most said it was NEAT.

        You want me to stop wasting space?, then F-U-C-K- O-F-F, excuse my language people, but what do you say to a d-i-c-k-h-e-a-d that won't leave ya alone.

        Give me a good reason and a few more people other than any of your friends to back you up and I might change it, otherwise stop wasting my time and my space.
        I tried to be nice the first time even though you pissed me off, but now with this said,

        Why did I give you even a minute of my time? iq454

        Go away please, is that nice enough for you?
        Looks like I was wrong he even posted this in a thread about converting Xvid to DVD!

        Might I add I have talked to him twice?

        Also Scroll up guys. Tell me that's nice and I will quit DivX-Digest
        Last edited by SKD_Tech; 6 May 2003, 08:00 PM.


        • UncasMS
          Super Moderator
          • Nov 2001
          • 9047

          i dont really care about your (present) signature, but i ask you to be polite in your psotings or pms this one time.

          the way you express yourself in this forum is not the way it should be in a forum where grown ups (i ignore your profil data) talk to each other and try to help as best they can.

          if you think you could break our forum rules:
          fine with me - we wont accept that behaviour!

          the choice is yours.

          behave yourself like a grown up.


          • admin
            • Nov 2001
            • 8962

            @gd_nimrod :

            Sorry about the signature thing.

            I was the one who changed your signature. I actually did email you (got prove in my "outbox", if you need to see it ), but I'm thinking your @hotmail.com email may have blocked my email, like they do with all the forum confirmation emails

            Perhaps you can email me (admin-removethis-@digital-digest.com, remove the "-removethis-" part, added to avoid spam) an alternative email address or something, so I can contact you by email if needed.

            I was hoping the matter could have been settled without resorting to a forum post - that plan sure back fired
            Last edited by admin; 7 May 2003, 12:39 AM.
            Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


            • admin
              • Nov 2001
              • 8962

              @gd_nimrod :

              About your current sig - it's always good to remind ppl to use the search function. The actual search page for this forum is here :

              The search page you linked to is to the Digital Digest search page. It's probably best to have both in your sig, so perhaps you can add the forum search link to your sig as well (I won't want to try changing your sig again )
              Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


              • gd_nimrod
                • Nov 2002
                • 1128

                To admin

                Ok, i changed my sig and sent you an email, no harm done

                @SKD_tech "About the nimrod? I mean comeon who is gonna get offended by that"

                Thats true, but we were actually referring to "Axis of evil: usa, england, isreal"
                Did you know you can SEARCH the forum? Fixes common problems too:

                Also search on the whole Digital-Digest website:


                • SKD_Tech
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  Lord of Digital Video
                  • Jan 2003
                  • 1512

                  Yeah I know I remember seeing that one


                  • SKD_Tech
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • Jan 2003
                    • 1512

                    Originally posted by UncasMS
                    i dont really care about your (present) signature, but i ask you to be polite in your psotings or pms this one time.

                    the way you express yourself in this forum is not the way it should be in a forum where grown ups (i ignore your profil data) talk to each other and try to help as best they can.

                    if you think you could break our forum rules:
                    fine with me - we wont accept that behaviour!

                    the choice is yours.

                    behave yourself like a grown up.
                    Hey UncasMS who was this directed to


                    • admin
                      • Nov 2001
                      • 8962

                      The original sig wasn't so much offensive to me, but that it would just lead to other people posting similar messages in their sigs - we could end up with a flame way by signature

                      Also while I understand your feelings toward the countries listed, I am sure you also don't believe that all people from these countries are "evil" (since many share your opinions as well in these countries), but people who see this one line sig (and don't know you as a poster) might think that . I would have probably said that Bush, Sharon (Likud) and Blair were the guilty parties in this whole Iraq mess, rather than their entire country.

                      Any why is it that no one ever talks about Australia when talking about US/Britain's role in Iraq. We sent combat troops and has been "in-line" with US/Bush policy for quite a while now (or as one Australian MP calls it "ar$e licking" - true quote), more so than Tony Blair (eg. on the Kyoto Protocol). I think a lot of Australian feel left out of all this US/British bashing, and want a piece of the action

                      And you also spelled "Israel" wrong
                      Last edited by admin; 7 May 2003, 05:29 PM.
                      Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                      • Enchanter
                        Old member
                        • Feb 2002
                        • 5417

                        Originally posted by UncasMS
                        i dont really care about your (present) signature, but i ask you to be polite in your psotings or pms this one time.

                        the way you express yourself in this forum is not the way it should be in a forum where grown ups (i ignore your profil data) talk to each other and try to help as best they can.

                        if you think you could break our forum rules:
                        fine with me - we wont accept that behaviour!

                        the choice is yours.

                        behave yourself like a grown up.
                        I second that. I don't give a damn to what age you are, as long as you present yourself accordingly and properly.

                        Another thing I should voice: you should remove the section about being treated your age and treating back like your grandpa. It leaves too many things open:
                        1. You are asking that you be treated like older people. That is fine if you behave that way, but on the other hand, it is almost like asking for concessions that when you act childish (not that I have seen you act this way though), others should still treat you normally.
                        2. If any, you should treat your elderly (in this case, your grandpa) with respect all the time.


                        • Enchanter
                          Old member
                          • Feb 2002
                          • 5417

                          Originally posted by SKD_Tech
                          Hey UncasMS who was this directed to


                          • SKD_Tech
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            Lord of Digital Video
                            • Jan 2003
                            • 1512

                            Ok I am not going to get in a arguement about my sig because I don't think it is a big deal to change it I was simply stating for people like iq454 calling me a kid. I mean in this case he has no room to talk when actually he was acting way more inmature to actually go to someone elses topic and spam it up for something that he could've posted here or in PM preferably.

                            I'll change my sig it's no problem


                            • gd_nimrod
                              • Nov 2002
                              • 1128

                              Originally posted by admin

                              Also while I understand your feelings toward the countries listed, I am sure you also don't believe that all people from these countries are "evil" (since many share your opinions as well in these countries), but people who see this one line sig (and don't know you as a poster) might think that . I would have probably said that Bush, Sharon (Likud) and Blair were the guilty parties in this whole Iraq mess, rather than their entire country.
                              Of course i was referring to the leaders of the countries who wanted war, yet writing the country made it somewhat more "clear". And if i would have put Ariel Sharon in my sig, im sure people would be confused

                              As for the Australian military, yes its true we didnt hear much about them; didnt we hear more about Poland's involvement?
                              Did you know you can SEARCH the forum? Fixes common problems too:

                              Also search on the whole Digital-Digest website:


                              • Dude2003
                                Junior Member
                                Junior Member
                                • Mar 2003
                                • 32

                                Down Boys.....
                                If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bull****. I'm not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.

