Test your IQ

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  • megamachine
    Video Fiddler
    • Mar 2003
    • 681

    Sounds like a good time to re-read "The Mis-Measure of Man"!


    • Quality's Proof
      Digital Video Master
      Digital Video Master
      • Jan 2004
      • 1279


      History always writes about the winners, History is, after all, only hiss story (whom evever wins the last Big war). Though I am not a brliever in hand me down tales, still I have found some tales to have been based upon facts. Other such word-of-mouth tales were from "poor-losers", etc., whom purposefully mislead. Though not a man which agrees with the split with the North, still I understand the perceived need of the North for a ready made consumer base for the factory goods of the North. As we both do understand (we both travel a bit), when something significant happens, it is always "whom doth it profit?" as the real question which should be asked and correctly answered, if a man is to correctly understand. If a man doth understandeth and continue in folly, then such man is a masquerader.

      It is, after all, nothing but cause and effect. The simple formula, whereby mechanical things work. When dealing with large groups of people, the cause and effect formula always works, unless some body proves the cause to enough of such group(s).

      I have noticed also,that UK and its claimed (by royalty) countries, do have a lower tax rate than US. It is therefore proof to me and some others that US has been paying the UK's agenda's bills for a very long time.

      It is never about knowledge, as knowledge changes from day to day. It is always about cause and effect. Some of the very best of "inventions" are in fact the result of those whom do not have a "fistful" of degrees, but are imbued with an understanding of cause and effect. Such persons benefit mankind more than all of the politicians (throughout history) have. The South should have had Lincoln assasinated and gotten a better deal from the man whom had the most to gain (the vice-president), such a deal would have given South time to amass a store of munitions, food, etc. for inevitable war. The South's refusal to "go there" spelled out its demise, which does lead some to the conclusions that the war was started early to ruin the South's chances.

      Undoubetedly, some would now say that Johnson had much to gain from Kennedy's assasination, as Kennedy was going to end U.S. presence in 'Nam and war factories (big business and other businesses) did not want that to happen.

      MegaMachine, "What is a real man?", of neccessity requires a "measuring". Such a measuring is factually done by the highest wisdom which tests. A score of 132 on the stanford binet l-m is nothing to be scoffed at, and only fools would do so, as Real Men are always found within that top 2 %. Honesty also can increase a man's real intelligence. And there are some whom do ascend from 127, or so, to brilliance (real brilliance), as, @ a score of 132, genius is possible. I make no great claim to extremely high IQ, as my only claim, resides in my understanding.......which is unassailable proof of understanding. I did make a post about the IQ test, I took, such was a tongue-in-cheek to the brilliant. Yes, the brilliant are a family, a "tribe", a "people", a "nation", to some. And, yes, we have been split, for a very long time. Have you understood about the resemblances of a computer to a person's brain.......understand this, IBM (and their scientists) had only the human "mind" as a reference, and the Chinese beat IBM, etc., by some 1,000's of years with their calculator. BTW : Real men aren't fops, despite the latest lunacy from some of the US states, "political correctness", etc.. Such lunacy goes against even Nature. Though not a religious man, still I understand the wisdom of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (merchants). Aaah, perchance, I've made things too clear to the lurkers.

      If you've noticed some of my DVD movie back-up posts, you've noticed they use only freeware (except for the PAl to NTSC cheapest & good quality solution) and other posters later posted the results are very good/excellent. The people do now have an easy to understand formula, they don't have to spend 100$'s on commercial software and have more money available to buy more dvd movies. A brilliant person might wonder if I am working for the MPAA (as the effect of my posts do sell more dvd movies), whereas a genius would also wonder at the answer being so simple : a center approach which benefits 1 : 1 Holywood (correct spelling) and the movie enthusiast, but, THE "Measurer", understands even more, as : I am a "hard-ankle".
      Rig :

      P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


      • rsquirell
        Digital Video Master
        Digital Video Master
        • Feb 2003
        • 1329

        Whoa Quality...everybody appreciates your posts (and knowledge of video affairs)...and nobody, least of all Mega or me, are flaming you. I was engaging in a spirited debate...calling on history as a guide. I hope you see, it's all in fun...a prelude to what you might see when the Republicans finally enter the fray to rebut the class envy/hatred spiels once the democrats complete the primary process and give us a defined opponent. As to Lincoln's assignation...his post-war plans didn't call for assimulation of the slaves into society. He bought a country on the African Gold Coast (Liberia), gave it a constitution identical to ours, and was shipping ex-slaves there before the war had even ended. The monied people (north and south) knew that the mainstay of the southern economy was agriculture...and agriculture is a labor-intensive business. If the south had any hope to survive, economically, after the war, the exportation of the former slaves had to be stopped. That was what was accomplished by the execution of Lincoln...and under Johnson we saw the creation of "share-cropping". But, if your into conspiracy theory...the south was too weak to do this alone. It would have required northern help.


        • Quality's Proof
          Digital Video Master
          Digital Video Master
          • Jan 2004
          • 1279


          Had a long reply and was sending reply, when internet security reported Trojan Horse attack, typed message lost, when doing again, keyboard fell and now 3rd attempt. Not a conspiracy theorist, but am wondering about "cause and effect".

          Some understood where this thread was designed to lead, as some do understand the "end from the beginning.".

          Not accusing you nor MegaMachine about flaming me. Wrote what I did to show you and the viewers something (it should "click", sometime soon). You have both helped others with your posts and do remember Mega posted test result @ 132 (good company).

          North needed cheap labor to continue Industrial Revolution plan, it's that simple. The report is Britannia stipulated (in loan(s)) that erstwhile slaves were to be freed. I've never agreed to slavery.

          Railroads even went "one further" and imported even cheaper Chinese labor. This is too much proof for this point not to be conceded by the "brilliant". The advent of the Chinese was a good thing for America, though, at first the lower wages weren't.

          Now, business's plan is Illegal Mexicans. How true.

          Bush's Mars' plan is a bribe for the votes of ot-of-work/job-threatened aerospace workers. If he had "pushed" such 1st year in office, there would be some credibility as economy was better.

          No, I'm not into conspiracies. Something either is or it isn't. Though not a religious man, even the Old Testament admits of Byzantine conspiracies, though, so, historically, they do exist even unto today, as only the names and faces have changed.

          If you really want to go out onto a limb, though, : How can the world's people admit and benefit from the modern electricity which was the work of a US government/business admitted lunatic.......Tesla. Tesla, admitted his formulas, understandings came to him by way of Beings from off-world, such visited him before, during, and after his electricity work, Tesla claimed such before/during/after his work(s). But, then most people are hypocrites. Notice, however, I did not say "aliens", nor "extra-terrestrials". How many can understand Tesla's works? Not many, if any is the answer. Tesla admitted and published a secret to "free-energy". Nobody has publicly figured it out, though. Such a person would of course be "hated" by the established monied heirarchy, as free energy means freedom to evolve, which Nature has purposed. Such heirarchy is against even Nature. Tesla was/is a real hero, though many have never heard the name, excepting the "Tesla coil".

          People whom work in insane institutions will tell you of how the deranged will say the institutions' workers are "crazy". Whereas, the average person will say the brilliant are "crazy", and the brilliant will say the genius are "crazy". One wonders what to make of such "opinions"/statements. I have surmised that such people are actually saying that the person is not well understood because their audience does not understand and also that to some the word "crazy" means something other than lunatic. It seems such is so, as by example how the mathematics and understanding of some extremely "high-tech" things are broken down to the "average person". Undoubtedly, you are aware of the necessary "interpreters" necessary to translate an applied theory to a technical report which is capable of being understood bythe "average" engineer and so on. There are sometimes several layers necessary before the genius (and their effort(s) is/are understood by the average person. I have done some technical reports, as you may understand by some of my posts' structuring. But, some also understand life is a program and is as a temporary memory chip on a computer.

          So, the real question isn't about politicians but, who will solve the "free-energy" solution and make that patent a "trust" for the people? Well, you ready to solve Tesla's mathematical formulas and prove his truths to be so? I've gone through the Calculus thing a long time ago as you may already understand and I reviewed the so-called "Quantum Mechanix". Trying to solve the "Tesla thing" has put many a man into the "funny-farm", as also did attempted unraveling the "Holy Bible". And does, "mankind" have enough awareness for their next evolutionary step? Nature wants mankind to evolve, but the "rulers" don't want such to happen.

          While it is true that I am a "jack-of-all-trades", it is also true that I am a master at some, though not inclined to lie.
          Rig :

          P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


          • rsquirell
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Feb 2003
            • 1329

            I remember seeing something about a "death ray" Tesla had designed before his death...and it was being explored about the same time as the manhatten project. A girl friend mentioned something about recently seeing an article re. Univ. of Minnasota researchers shrinking a hydrogen generator down to a 2X2 foot box which uses methanol. There might be something to Bush's call for Hydrogen cars. That would really pull the teeth of OPEC and the Arab terrorists. Of course it wouldn't do domestic oil companies any good either (remember the movie "The Formula"?) Like the Mars proposal, Bush often floats ideas to see if anyone rises to the bait. Contrary to the stereotype...he's not stupid.
            Last edited by rsquirell; 16 Feb 2004, 06:58 AM.


            • megamachine
              Video Fiddler
              • Mar 2003
              • 681

              Wanna have some real fun? I just went through that online IQ test and put in completely random answers. My IQ score came out to be 84, and yet I was profiled as a "precision processor." Let's have a contest to see who can make the lowest score!


              • Quality's Proof
                Digital Video Master
                Digital Video Master
                • Jan 2004
                • 1279

                I do remember reading (some years ago and seeing a diagram and photo of a working full-sized model) in one of the science magazines, or Popular Mechanix, about a refrigerator-sized electricity maker which could provide enough watts for the average house, which ran off of a chemical reaction of "safe" chemicals and how the inventors/co. was preparing to market such. Seems the energy consortium has bought that, too. I don't care for the oil co.'s, most of the oil is foreign and/or Alaskan. Why should anybody care about leeches on the people?

                With enough "free-energy", whom needs gov't? AAHH, the culprit!

                Bush isn't brilliant, but enough of the brilliant have sold out to the rich and to government to cause severe problems for mankind, itself. Bush and others have long ago learned to hire/appoint think-tank members....... I don't see the US and some so-called allies ever recovering from the 9/11. Those towers and some other building falling do fullfil that Book of Revelations' prophecy about Babylon (many tongued (many languages)) fallen and the merchants weeping. I'm still waiting for the next installment of that prophetical book. It doth seem there will be an asteroid /comet, etc. sometime in the near future to hit somewhere (preferably Jerusalem), though some estimate it will be India and even a few say NY or DC.

                I still say that book is a programming tool of some to make things happen in a specific way as a plan (programming of people). Government controls most people by fear and that book is used to teach fear, and hence the term "state religion". Wouldn't it be a terrible thing if somebody unlocked that book for everybody.......that is what most protestant/catholics fear the most! But, that is the reason Socrates drank the hemlock, as he chose death rather than deny the truth (or so the story goes).

                I've surmised the worst problems have been caused by some of the brilliant whom have sold-out to the monied, rather than benefitting mankind as God has purposed them and as Nature has purposed them to do. Though not an adherent to an afterlife (I understand such teachings are to keep the poor "in their-place"), still, I do wonder if the Group Ego has something horrible awaiting them (cause and effect). If not then we all should understand there is no such thing as sin and as such men are no better than the apes from which man is "evolved". Japan did claim the US would become their "granary" due to the US politicians proneness to bribes.

                I have wondered from time to time why so many persons are distrustful of the brilliant and the conclusion is that some of the "elect" have in fact been deceived into helping the worldly in their schemes and machinations and some have stumbled onto to this realization. This is a saddening thing as it is a rift which will not be mended.

                So, do we go ahead and kill the electric and oil cartels with the "free-energy" solution, or not? You do know that tidal-power, alone, could and would provide @ least 1/3 of all the electricity which US now uses. Solar power would provide @ least another 1/3 of the total amount. So many jobs would be lost that fed would have no treasury, UK corp.'s, citizens is already largest foreign owner of US lands. I don't owe a coal-miner or a nuke plant operator a decent livelihood, do you?

                The gov.'t doesn't want "free-energy", as it would of necessity shrink to insignificance.
                Last edited by Quality's Proof; 16 Feb 2004, 01:52 PM.
                Rig :

                P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


                • admin
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 8962

                  Call me nuts, but I think the technology for free (or relatively free) energy is already available and affordable, and it's only certain forces in industry (oil, in particular) that are preventing it from being developed further.

                  The "FreedomCar" initiative by Bush is actually renaming an old initiative by Clinton, introduced in 1993 called "Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles" (PNGV). PNGV had very modest goals, to cooperate with the auto industry to produce a car that would get 80 miles per gallon. $1.5 Billion later, nothing came out of it. FreedomCar will now put even more money into this failed initiative, and since it will be managed by the same people with practically the same aims, the chance for success is minimal (although the funds might prove "useful" for the auto industry).

                  Hybrid cars are already available though (both by Japanese manufacturers, whose company/government probably have less connections to the oil industry), that can get 50 miles per gallon. They were produced without the "help" of the government or the rest of the auto industry, so there is a market for these type of cars.

                  What the government can do to help the environment and to promote "clean" cars is to discourage the purchase large vehicles, such as SUVs. Putting a 20% tax on SUV purchases might do it, although this is highly unlikely. In fact, Bush instead gives up to $75,000 tax break on SUV purchases (http://www.detnews.com/2003/autosins.../a01-64218.htm). This is perhaps not surprising, since the US has never had a President so closely linked to the oil industry before.

                  There's an interesting movie called The Water Engine, which directly touches on the theme of industry versus innovation:

                  Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                  • rsquirell
                    Digital Video Master
                    Digital Video Master
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 1329

                    Yeah, well....there was also a professor at BYU who claimed he could distill gasoline from water, too. But when asked for proof, no one else could duplicate the results. There's a lot of out right fraud in science these days. Remember the claim 50,000 people die each year from secondhand smoke? Show me one death certificate saying ANYONE died of secondhand smoke. The Global Warming advocates in the 1970's were decrying Global Cooling. The sky is falling. Get a grip, folks.


                    • Quality's Proof
                      Digital Video Master
                      Digital Video Master
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 1279

                      Requirell. Why is it that the US has such a disproportianate amount of cyclones per year than other countries?
                      Rig :

                      P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


                      • rsquirell
                        Digital Video Master
                        Digital Video Master
                        • Feb 2003
                        • 1329

                        I remember when I was a kid in the 50's in Wichita, Kansas seeing 5 twisters on the ground at the same time. My dad was a pilot...and he told me of the great weather facilities they had at Scott's Bluff, Nebraska...and the need to put in there to check weather before proceeding west. Our family ranch is in Slater Colorado...and later, when I became a pilot, and bought a few airplanes, I used to take regular trips for a fourth of July reunion there. The Rockies go up to 14,000 feet on either side of what they call the "Great Basin" (the route of the old Oregon Trail. From Scott's Bluff the ground rises rapidly from 4,000 to 8,000 feet as you enter Wyoming. The western entrance to the great basin begins in Utah/Idaho...the floor being 8,000MSL with peaks just off your wing tips as high as 14,000'MSL. Weather coming from the west hits the mountains, funnels into the great basin channel, and some of the most horrendous weather in the world can be found in that corridor...hence the need to stop at Scott's Bluff before proceeding through it. The great basin weather dumps into Nebraska and spills over to the south into Kansas. South of Taos, NM you get a similar effect as the Rockies front range drops off from 14,000'MSL down to 5,000'. Weather canneled through this funnel from Phoenix to ElPaso can be furocious, too, as it spills into the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma...and suddenly, there is nothing blocking the wind, or providing friction to slow it down for 500 miles of flat land at 3,000'. A rather unique geography in the world. This site might be of interest www.junkscience.com WOW!...I just followed this link and found an article about the U of Minn Hydrogen Reactor which uses Methanol...it fits in the palm of your hand and generates 1 KW (enough to power your entire house.) Talk about luck!
                        Last edited by rsquirell; 17 Feb 2004, 09:44 AM.


                        • rsquirell
                          Digital Video Master
                          Digital Video Master
                          • Feb 2003
                          • 1329

                          Another site of interest for those groping for democrat left talking points is www.dsausa.org . They used to proudly display the names of the 57 members of the House of Representative's "Progressive Caucus" who founded the organization...but that listing dissapeared 2 years ago just before the election after I posted the link to a reply to a biligerant democrat (Nancy Pelosie is a founder). If you click on the "International" link...and follow the yellow brick road...you'll discover the Nicaraguan affiliate is the Sandinista Liberation Front...which explains why Iran/Contra is considered impeachable by these folks, while the felony of perjury in Federal Court proceedings is dismissed.
                          Last edited by rsquirell; 17 Feb 2004, 04:10 AM.


                          • Quality's Proof
                            Digital Video Master
                            Digital Video Master
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 1279


                            "WOW. I ..followed this link..and 1 KW Palm-sized hydrogen generator developed at Univ. of Minn.".

                            Well? Interesting how asking the corect question and the labirynth answer(?) leads to the "free-energy" solution, isn't it?

                            As I said (and now you understand), "tis true that I am a jack-of-all-trades, but it is also true that I am a master at some, though not inclined to lie.".

                            The other point is, how will the energy cartel make this solution "disappear", as it has caused other solutions to disappear? Or will we allow such this time?

                            I am very tired of some of the brilliant aiding and abetting the enemies of mankind.

                            So, should we now poise our formidable wherewithal to solving another problem (getting MPAA off the people's backs)? I don't have a "Dream", but I do have an understanding of an idea.
                            Rig :

                            P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.


                            • rsquirell
                              Digital Video Master
                              Digital Video Master
                              • Feb 2003
                              • 1329

                              Contrary to the popular myth, GW isn't an Oilman. His oil company went bust in 1986 (when all the other small oil companies went bust because of the crashing oil prices...the housing prices in Texas crashed, too, when nobody could make their mortgage payments.) GW sold out to the big guys for what he could get...but then joined a group of investors purchasing the Texas Rangers baseball team. Since he had time on his hands, the other partners made GW the managing partner. When he sold out a few years later he had turned his $600,000 investment into multimillions. Then he ran for Governor. He's the one who announced the hydrogen car in the State of the Union...he owes nothing to Big Oil, wants to cripple the terrorists that OPEC sponsor, and would lose face if it didn't happen. Besides...more people know of the hydrogen breakthrough since the publication in the Feb 13 issue of "Science" magazine...it's not like the Top Secret shale-oil the Nazi's developed in "The Formula".


                              • Quality's Proof
                                Digital Video Master
                                Digital Video Master
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 1279

                                Bush was/is much more connected with Enron than many surmise(d). Most of Bush's $'s have come from the oil men and his brothers do/have draw(n) salaries from the oil-monied. None of them are very good at anything an are bought by the shadiest of persons. We shouldn't forget the CIA being busted in Fla. with bringing cocaine into country to sell in Los Angeles as part of urban de-stabilization plan, while old George Bush (ex-president) was CIA chief and still a 2nd cousin to the Queen.

                                Bush failed at every business, except being a stooge for the monied. I don't like the democrats, either, as they are businesses' "tools", also.
                                Rig :

                                P - 4 @ 1.7 Ghz, 768 mb (133) Ram, Intel 845 chipset M'board, Seagate 60 Gig., 5400 rpsm hdd, Maxtor 40 Gig. 7200 rpm hdd, Hauppauge 880 pvr card, etc.. O.S. - XP Home Edition.

