I have been trying to encode to a size of 1cd and the end result is constantly below what I want.
I have tried disabling bi-directional encoding and upping the resolution as posted but to no avail. It's getting b**&(y frustrating.
My last attempt was with the bitrate set to 1100 and the finished AVI size was just over 593mb with 128 mp3 sound.
Any ideas what to try now???
I have GK updated to version .26
Also, one question: what is the encoding solution; field deinterlace or none?? I tried fast deinterlace on a 16:9 PAL movie and is encoded abysmally so I have not tried it on any movie again.
Thanks for your time and expertise.
Sorry about the double post
I have tried disabling bi-directional encoding and upping the resolution as posted but to no avail. It's getting b**&(y frustrating.
My last attempt was with the bitrate set to 1100 and the finished AVI size was just over 593mb with 128 mp3 sound.
Any ideas what to try now???
I have GK updated to version .26
Also, one question: what is the encoding solution; field deinterlace or none?? I tried fast deinterlace on a 16:9 PAL movie and is encoded abysmally so I have not tried it on any movie again.
Thanks for your time and expertise.
Sorry about the double post