Originally posted by Experi-Mentor
my method (which has never failed me), is to rip/backup the copy i made to the hdd only. if that fails, then you can assume that it was a bad burn, then you can narrow it down to the blank media being inferior (not holding data well), compatibility problem between burner & blanks, or something simple as burning at a lower speed (try 2x or 4x)
my method (which has never failed me), is to rip/backup the copy i made to the hdd only. if that fails, then you can assume that it was a bad burn, then you can narrow it down to the blank media being inferior (not holding data well), compatibility problem between burner & blanks, or something simple as burning at a lower speed (try 2x or 4x)

I had not even tried burning at a slower speed. I usually use 8X media...I will see what happens when I slow it down to 2X or 4X. Thanks for that info. I keep forgetting the days when I first started burning CD's and had to do some of these same things!

Since I am still a bit of a n00b at burning movies (only had my burner for about 2 months now), I would assume that this is something that I will work out over time. I'm truly thinking the problem lies with something I was doing wrong when I first started burning movies. I still have yet to figure out what it was...but maybe I will someday!
