Well, this is interesting indeed.
Since both your drives are the same on what I imagine a different set-up, you friend is using the G-05 (which all support a x8 burn speed) and the freezing problem happens...
If you dont label your DVD's nor your friend?!
If you both tried different media?!
If this isnt a case of having bad media?!
If the media you both tried is compatible with your burner?!

I would dare to say you may have a problem that a fimware update would correct. (I know there isnt one available for your drive.
I would try burning at a slower speed (this has been mentioned B4)
I would get a trial pack and compare the results.
E-mail toshiba and explain the issue with all the different media.
If it is a Drive problem, get rid of it. Return it as faulty
Sony are good DRU500 family especially.
Since both your drives are the same on what I imagine a different set-up, you friend is using the G-05 (which all support a x8 burn speed) and the freezing problem happens...
If you dont label your DVD's nor your friend?!
If you both tried different media?!
If this isnt a case of having bad media?!
If the media you both tried is compatible with your burner?!

I would dare to say you may have a problem that a fimware update would correct. (I know there isnt one available for your drive.
I would try burning at a slower speed (this has been mentioned B4)
I would get a trial pack and compare the results.
E-mail toshiba and explain the issue with all the different media.
If it is a Drive problem, get rid of it. Return it as faulty

Sony are good DRU500 family especially.