Playback freezing near end of movie

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  • Floppy

    Well, this is interesting indeed.

    Since both your drives are the same on what I imagine a different set-up, you friend is using the G-05 (which all support a x8 burn speed) and the freezing problem happens...

    If you dont label your DVD's nor your friend?!
    If you both tried different media?!
    If this isnt a case of having bad media?!
    If the media you both tried is compatible with your burner?!

    I would dare to say you may have a problem that a fimware update would correct. (I know there isnt one available for your drive.

    I would try burning at a slower speed (this has been mentioned B4)

    I would get a trial pack and compare the results.

    E-mail toshiba and explain the issue with all the different media.
    If it is a Drive problem, get rid of it. Return it as faulty

    Sony are good DRU500 family especially.


    • Savage03
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2004
      • 45

      boy this is getting heavy now lol...far labeling i just use a sharpie and so does he....we have both tried tdk with same results it takes a few burns to get it to play right and sometimes burns fine first time...according to toshiba tdk was a listed media for the drive...emailed toshiba awhile ago about this.....would hope its a good drive we only paid $70 a piece for them but how this one?


      • Floppy

        Sound like a good drive.

        I have a sony dw rw u10a

        comparing the two seems like they are similar in spec.

        the bummer over a OEM drive is support.

        Like the people that sell it to you are the ones tha support the drive.

        Check it out though.

        If you feel temptedto buy a DL drive dont.

        You mention getting heavy. I agree.

        After gioing thu the possible cause that I have experienced with friends and helped them resolve I have come to the end of my advice regarding the problems you experience.

        I just ask myself questions of what causes these problems. And usualy there is a simple answer.

        It may be something very easy that I missed.

        Sorry if I cant be of help.


        • Savage03
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Aug 2004
          • 45

          is toshiba known to be good or bad? thought they were fairly decent


          • Floppy

            Thoshiba have a great rep.

            I would put it past the fact there may be problems with some drives.

            This is not to say that other brands dont have problems either.

            I have a drive that I was lucky to be good (touch wood).

            As I say it may have a problem or it may be a simple thing.

            Whatever your the problem described here it sure is going right over my head.

            I'll read more about it when I come back from work.

            Have a good day/night)

            later bro


            • Savage03
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Aug 2004
              • 45

              sure thank you for the help

              i just read this really intersting review on the drive and seems they had issues with its writing quality.
              storage, reviews, news, SSD, HDD, DVD, Blu-ray, optical, hard drive, solid state drive, flash drive, DVD-R, BD-R, CD-R, flash memory


              • Floppy

                What can I say?

                But what I said B4. I have no further solution to offer to this problem with your drive.

                The mere suggestion that it may be the drive was just one of the many avenues I could have gone down, luck or a sixt sense maybe even a great hability to eliminate some odds.

                As I said Toshiba and other reputed brands are not free from these little problems, we are the ones that pay for these errors and their will to compete in the market.

                the grand picture is so that a percentage of complaints is acceptable and maybe even one model or two being slated big time, is still good bussiness>

                The whole process earns companies millions.

                You and me are left with this.

                - I'm on a crap mood anyway, my car got broken into today all my stuff stolen, all in broad day light in a busy workplace mixed car park. I pay all the insurance, taxes and they might even get away without paying a penny.

                How is that for a normal bussiness day for a big company.


                • Savage03
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2004
                  • 45

                  that suks about the car man, ive had that happen a few times, like to string them guys up by their jewels! i sent you a pm hope its kool


                  • Floppy

                    Private message by: Savage03 which one?
                    so i did some reading last night, well all night lol this has consumed me now plus I dont think i have much longer to take back the toshiba but it seems pioneer is highly regarded and i looked at 2 different ones the 107 and 108 just wondering if you know anything about those or have an opinion. unfortunately i cant get wild on the pricing so best i can prob do is a oem, thanks man for all the help!
                    I would like to help but I have no opinion or know/heard anything on those drives.
                    I hope you manage to return your Toshiba though.

                    Last edited by Guest; 1 Sep 2004, 04:54 PM.


                    • Savage03
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Aug 2004
                      • 45

                      well this could be hopeful thinking but office depot had a sale on verbatim dvd-r's ($50 for 100) so went and splurged cause i read several times people saying they had probs and switched to verbatims so i just finished one burn and no flaws at all! soon as decryptor is done im gonna burn 3 more movies and we'll see
                      how it goes, so maybe im on to somethin here?
                      only down side is tho the media is only 2x which i didnt catch till i loaded the cd in the burner but if they work i'll deal with it


                      • Floppy

                        About the pioneer drives, I just read they are DL drives.

                        I would wait longer to buy one of them regardless of brand.

                        As I said B4, if you feel inclined to buy a DL drive, dont.


                        • Savage03
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Aug 2004
                          • 45

                          thats dual layer right? i didnt know they were not even sure what that means guess i'll look deeper into those again, what sony model would you go with ? keeping cost in mind


                          • Floppy

                            Yes DL stands for dual layer.

                            Do you have a hotmail address (messenger)

                            Just thinking it would be a lot faster to chat.

                            I'll look into the drives I would buy for myself.
                            Last edited by Guest; 1 Sep 2004, 05:25 PM.


                            • Savage03
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Aug 2004
                              • 45

                              no messenger just aim....or email


                              • Floppy


                                Copy the whole lot and paste in browser
                                Last edited by Guest; 1 Sep 2004, 06:07 PM.

