I didn't appreciate that snide remark about us being non-technical teenagers. First of all, I'm 22 (though I may be as sarcastic as a teenager).
Secondly, you obviously didn't look too hard around this forum to notice that the technical aspect of creating rips is pretty much MOST of what we talk about here. I agree with you that there is some crappy stuff out on the net but most of those people don't have a goal of providing and receiving a technically magnificient visual feast, they just want a free movie! It's good that you're trying to go out there and be the saint of the digital universe. Someday,
we may just see this amazing perfect utopia where macroblocks are a thing of the past, children can view movies fullscreen without question, and we can all get in a circle and sing kumbaya around our modems as they download our favorite lovable films such as All Dogs go to Heaven, and Rock-a-Doodle in perfect harmony.. err.. quality!
PS. If you have taken any offense to this post, then you need to lighten up. This is just my immature (TEENAGE if you will) sarcastic humour setting in!

PS. If you have taken any offense to this post, then you need to lighten up. This is just my immature (TEENAGE if you will) sarcastic humour setting in!
