I have 2 apparent problems.
1... I have a NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (Microsoft Corporation) and I think it may be conflicting with some thing or it has some kind of other problem.
I try to capture video from my camcorder which is a JVC via firewire, the card I brought from ebay. It starts capturing but after a while the computer restarts.
Also my screen keeps sort of freezing I can see the mouse moving around but if i try to click things nothing happens, then after a few secs or mins the screen goes black and comes back on and then all is well again... --- What is going on?
2... DVD Writer is NEC DVD RW ND3500 writer: I tried to burn all my files to DVD this evening as I was going to drastically reinstall windows XP and see if it fixed my above problem but when I put a DVD into the drive it shows that there are 0MB free and 0MB used. I have also tried burning a DVD with nero but half way through copying the files the computer restarted this happened 2 times and so I have waisted 2 DVD's. I have burned DVD's in the past and I am unsure if I have successfully burned DVD since the above problem started. -- What is going on?
Are these 2 problems joint or connected and what are the solutions.
1... I have a NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 (Microsoft Corporation) and I think it may be conflicting with some thing or it has some kind of other problem.
I try to capture video from my camcorder which is a JVC via firewire, the card I brought from ebay. It starts capturing but after a while the computer restarts.
Also my screen keeps sort of freezing I can see the mouse moving around but if i try to click things nothing happens, then after a few secs or mins the screen goes black and comes back on and then all is well again... --- What is going on?
2... DVD Writer is NEC DVD RW ND3500 writer: I tried to burn all my files to DVD this evening as I was going to drastically reinstall windows XP and see if it fixed my above problem but when I put a DVD into the drive it shows that there are 0MB free and 0MB used. I have also tried burning a DVD with nero but half way through copying the files the computer restarted this happened 2 times and so I have waisted 2 DVD's. I have burned DVD's in the past and I am unsure if I have successfully burned DVD since the above problem started. -- What is going on?
Are these 2 problems joint or connected and what are the solutions.