Nope not in my plans either. The dust will need to settle, a winner (format wise) be declared and the price become affordable before I can even think about changing. Does make me wonder which format will become the "Betamax" of the new millenium.
I guess we all must now put our old Dvd's out to pasture
I also agree that the price will keep sales of Blu-Ray players down for a long time. Not to mention the availability of movies. The "old" DVD format , IMHO, will continue for quit some time.
Remember the prices for the first DVD players and home theater units? Many people have waited to long to invested in current home theater products. Now they're going to have to invest in another over priced player and movies? Some people won't even buy the Component cable because they are to expensive! How would they spend $1000. for a player? I hope Sony is willing to sit on their payoff for a long time.CJ
My DVD Collection
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Dell Inspiron 9100 Laptop, Windows XP Home SP 2 (build 2600), 2.80GH Pent 4, ST94811A 40GB HD, 2GB RAM, NEC DVD+RW ND-6100A 104D, ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700, External 250GB Maxtor HD, External LG-5163D A105
IBM ThinkCenter 8189, XP Pro, 3.2GH Pentium 4, 120 GB HD, 1GB Ram, BENQ DW1650 BCIC, Nvidia GeForce FX 5200, Generic floppy disk drive (3.5")
The Golden Rules of BurningComment
Originally Posted by smkymntgrlI imagine the "poor old" dvds will hang in there for a while. After all there are still VHS players/recorders and tapes still out there!
Indeed. The same was said for the cassette when CD's came out, and there are still cassettes and cassette decks being sold today, dispite the SACD and DVD audio.
There is just too many current format DVD's out there and still being stamped to just sweep it away when the day comes and blu-ray hits the shelves.
In fact, there are still NTSC only tv's being sold, and probably will be even after the big day when the plug is pulled on NTSC and HDTV takes over. Tis why they are going to be selling and leasing converter boxes for ATS tuning capability for those poor old NTSC sets.
Its going to be some time before these old formats are completely history. And even if they were trying to wipe them out, what makes these manufacturers think that folks are just going to toss out their collections after spending tons of money getting them in the first place?!!
Parts will still be around to fix the old format players/recorders/drives. It might be a good idea to buy an optical block and/or the decoder board for your particular DVD recorder/drive just to have around. Maybe a few mechanical parts for the load tray too.
I know one old cat with a 56" big screen that came into the shop a few weeks ago and bought 6 crt's for his set. Just to have them for when NTSC is gone, and no more parts are around, he has them to fix up that set for quite a few years to come.
One thing to keep in mind, the media loves to strech the truth and make folks run scared.
I like seeing what people feel in this thread. I for one am sick and tired of trying to keep up with the ever changing technology. I'm tired of going broke just to have the latest, greatest piece of electronic crap that comes out. I've gone from 8 track (remember those), to albums, to cassette, to reel to reel, to VHS tape, to CD, to DVD, to God knows what else. I've had top of the line equipment and then average equipment. I've had enough of this stuff to fill a room up and I'm tired of buying something every couple years. All it is is a ploy to seperate you from your hard earned cash. They're probably already working on something to make blu-ray obsolete.Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed!Comment
Originally Posted by soupThey can pry my dvd's from my cold dead hands after I take my last breath. That is until the cost of everything comes into line with my budget.Comment
wake me up when the whole blueray setup comes down to the following prices:
blueray burner=under 70 dollars, i paid 65 for my great maddog.
blank disc= 20 cents, my TDKs have been just great.
blueRay dvd player=$85 which is what paid for my sony when they were expensive.
blueRay movies= i never tell which what i paid for every dvd i ripped. LOL.Comment
DVD's out to pastureI'm still using a VHS recorder in the house for Mrs. Cause to tape her soaps every day. I figured why put wear and tear on my standalone DVD Recorder for soaps
It's been said by many, when the prices come waaaaaaayyyyyyyy down and IF I can back up the blu ray stuff I buy. When the VCR's came out it was the only choice at that time and if ya wanted to record ya had to bite the bullet and pay the big bucks.
I'll stock up on Blank DVD's and burners for the standalone and PC to make sure I don't get short until then.Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums
I use my capture card to capture shows now, but I hate how it doesn't get closed captions, so on important stuff I use VHS as well. Then I have digital and analog, two is better than oneCYA Later:
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My DVD CollectionComment
Originally Posted by bill7621They're probably already working on something to make blu-ray obsolete.
About 4 years ago, on PBS, I think it was NOVA, they were talking about technology and media, and how fast things were becomming obsolete.
Low and behold, there is a guy sitting in a chair flinging CD's and DVD over his shoulder saying that these types of media were already obsolete.
And its known that military technology is about 20 or so years ahead of the public curve. They are probably using isolinear chips. Beam me up Scotty!
Dont worry DVD's are not going anywhere not for a long time.Comment
I can't see them getting billions of people to change overnight. I'll stay with DVDs. When my Sony DVD player breaks down, I'll get the Blu-ray player and watch my DVDs like always.Comment
They are new so the cost$$$
Lets face it DVD player used to cost a lot too. I paid $799.99 for mine 6 years ago plus taxes and plus the $68.00 for the 5 year extened warranty.
Just like everything the prices will come down.
Heck you can get a good dvd player now for under $50.00 today.
I remember when my mother bought a VHS player when those first came out it was over $1,300.00 and it sucked compaired to what you buy now for $24.99Comment
Couple of months ago, I finally got my dad to go buy a new computer to replace his Commodore 64. Said he paid a lot of money for it and couldn't understand why he needed a new one!Comment
I am sure he did pay a lot for it back in its day.
I am like that though too, I put over 3 grand into one of my OLD computer I still have it is my sons computer now. LOL
I still upgraded to a better one for myself though.
no sinse in selling the old one it isnt worth anything now. Would be lucky to get $50.00 for it or maybe $100.00 for what I put into it just inst worth selling. It still works for burning cd's surfing the net, storing extra crap and playing older games that my son has though.Comment
Originally Posted by KabuchanCouple of months ago, I finally got my dad to go buy a new computer to replace his Commodore 64. Said he paid a lot of money for it and couldn't understand why he needed a new one!Not registeredGo here and click register to join the Digital Digest Forums