n00b needs help....

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  • knappsterc
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2003
    • 24

    n00b needs help....

    hi there peeps

    im a n00b , wandered if you could help. where to start? right, well im tryin to convert loadza movies and put them onto VCD/SVCD so i can usethem on my DVD player, however, i am having major problems doing this.

    i have tried following some of the other posts in this forum, however i have had the following problems...
    1)i get an error message when i try to use TMPGEnc, however an error message is being displayed
    2) i followed a past post over this problem (AVI error) so i downloaded virutaldub to rectify the problem, then i can't load up the file still!

    PLZ sum1 help me, step by step, with not too much techy language. i just would liek to solve this problem.

    plz help!


  • rsquirell
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Feb 2003
    • 1329

    Do you have a storyboard editor? MS MovieMaker2 came with my XP puter. ULead Video Studio7 gives you a 30 day trial. Storyboard editors make VCD/SVCD and DVD's.


    • knappsterc
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2003
      • 24

      moviemaker made half of a 1 hour film be 11.5 GB!!! am i doing it wrong or has anyone else got a method i can use?



      • knappsterc
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2003
        • 24

        could someone please help me. it would be massively appreicated (remember, step-by-step please)



        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          Multiple postings are not appreciated at these forums (Actually against the rules)...


          • rsquirell
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Feb 2003
            • 1329

            Whoa...sounds like you are capturing VHS with MM2 in AVI format (that kind of GB's is normal for AVI capture.) What, exactly are you doing? You might try a 30 day trial of ULead VideoStudio7 to see if it's compatible with your capture card...it'll capture in MPEG2 format at 1/4 the size of AVI.


            • pieroxy
              Platinum Member
              Platinum Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 151

              Can you be more specific about the movies you are trying to convert to (S)VCD? What format are they in (AVI, MOV, RM, WMV, ASF, ...)? Can you play them with media player? Which codec are they using? (You can tell the codec with a nice tool called GSpot, http://www.divx-digest.com/software/gspot.html)
              "on the north side of 'wild-cat peak' the 'snow squaws' shake their winter blankets and bring forth a chill which rides the wind with goad and spur, hurling with an icy hand rime, and frost upon a dreamy land musing in the lap of Spring"


              • admin
                • Nov 2001
                • 8964

                You posted the same message in multiple forums, which is against forum rules. This may in fact cause others to not want to reply to your post. I've had to merge your posts into one single thread here.

                As for your question, what kind of error message is displayed in TMPGEnc, and what file format is your movie file? If it is an AVI file, then follow pieroxy's advice about finding out what codec it is.
                Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


                • knappsterc
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Dec 2003
                  • 24

                  (btw, i'm not greta with all this techy language, but i'll learn )

                  i've followed the advice of pieroxy and i have used GSPOT, here is a screenshot from my use, i hope one of you can make sense of it.

                  (im trying to work out how to postattachments...so it will follow shortly)


                  • knappsterc
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 24


                    here is the screenshot
                    Attached Files


                    • pieroxy
                      Platinum Member
                      Platinum Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 151

                      Allright, everything looks fine

                      * your video codec is XviD with a 688kbps bitrate - which is average
                      * your audio codec is MP3, with an average bitrate of 135kbps - which is good. There we might have a problem since VBR (Variable BitRate) is sometimes problematic when using AVI files.

                      So here is what I suggest:

                      1. Open VirtualDub
                      2. Open your AVI file
                      3. Click on File/Start frameserver
                      4. Click Start (The name doesn't relly mean anything)
                      5. Select a file to save. This file will be very small, you can put it anywhere

                      Now the frameserver is started. If you had any kind of error message during this phase because of the VBR MP3 soundtrack, let me know

                      You can now start TMPGEnc, and open the file you just saved as your video source. If TMPGEnc complains that the file cannot be opened, that is probably because you didn't install the AVIFile FrameClient. so don't panic! Go to your VirtualDub install dir and lanuch AuxSetup and click on Install Handler. Now TMPGEnc should pick-up the video.

                      You have now a TMPGEnc ready to encode! Just load the right template (VCD/SVCD/PAL/NTSC/FILM) according to your preferred guide, tune the quality (bitrate) cut your movie into two or more parts (Settings/Advanced/Source Range) and enjoy!

                      NB: For apect ratio perspectives (resizing and letterboxing), you can add the very good "Resize" filter in virtualDub in between my point 2 and 3. Click on Video -> Filter -> Add -> Resize and adjust the desired parameters. Just reply to this post if you want more info on that
                      "on the north side of 'wild-cat peak' the 'snow squaws' shake their winter blankets and bring forth a chill which rides the wind with goad and spur, hurling with an icy hand rime, and frost upon a dreamy land musing in the lap of Spring"


                      • knappsterc
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Dec 2003
                        • 24

                        rite, well ive tried that, but im getting an error message (see attachment), would you be able to help me rectify this please?

                        Attached Files


                        • setarip
                          • Dec 2001
                          • 24955

                          You have to download and install an XviD (NOT DivX) video codec. You should additionally download and install the FFD Show filter...


                          • knappsterc
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 24

                            i have Cliprex DS DVD Player 1.0.3 which includes desired codecs already, i'm pretty sure i have already ffdshow. is there anywhere where i could get what you think i need?



                            • pieroxy
                              Platinum Member
                              Platinum Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 151

                              You can just go and download Nimo Codec Pack at http://www.divx-digest.com/software/nimo_pack.html

                              Make sure you don't install EVERYTHING, but this pack most likely contains every codec you need plus many more.

                              Just install XviD for now
                              "on the north side of 'wild-cat peak' the 'snow squaws' shake their winter blankets and bring forth a chill which rides the wind with goad and spur, hurling with an icy hand rime, and frost upon a dreamy land musing in the lap of Spring"

