windows xp media center 2005

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  • deckhead2
    Gold Member
    Gold Member
    • May 2004
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    windows xp media center 2005

    can i install windows xp media center 2005 on my computer if i do not have any windows
    on my computer . will that work

  • photo_angel2004
    Queen of Digital Video
    Queen of Digital Video
    • Jan 2004
    • 3558


    What do you have on your computer if you dont have a windows operating system?

    Ok I am an ideot LOL I guess you can.
    Last edited by photo_angel2004; 1 May 2006, 05:01 PM.

    IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


    • cynthia
      Super Moderatress
      • Jan 2004
      • 14278

      It's a operating system.

      All Media Center PCs can run the same Microsoft programs as other Windows XP-based computers. You can use your Media Center PC to surf the Internet or to send and receive e-mail.

      Sounds as it should be ok.


      • photo_angel2004
        Queen of Digital Video
        Queen of Digital Video
        • Jan 2004
        • 3558

        Wow I guess I was wrong. Interesting

        I never hear of these until now, seems a bit restricted /vs- a regular computer but that link was intersting.

        Last edited by photo_angel2004; 1 May 2006, 05:00 PM.

        IMGburn ** ** Nero **Intelli Type Pro 6.1 **


        • copyless
          Digital Video Expert
          Digital Video Expert
          • Apr 2006
          • 713

          I have windows media center on one of my computers, but I do not think you can buy the program ( I may be wrong) but I believe it is an OEM program only, as in it has to be installed on the PC when you buy it. It is just an XP environment, the only real difference I ever notice between it and my other two with XP on them is the way certain things link, such as pictures, music, and such. When you start the computer it exactly the same as any XP, it just says windows XP.
          Last edited by copyless; 1 May 2006, 06:36 PM.


          • Chewy
            Super Moderator
            • Nov 2003
            • 18971


            I sure don't like working on computers with it, slow!


            • copyless
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Apr 2006
              • 713

              So let me see if I understand what I read in the link. You can buy it, but it really is for system builders, in other words not for the public, but for distribution with a new PC? Because wouldn't a system builder be someone making PC's, or at least like me buying the case and all the compatible hardware and then buying the media edition?

              And as I know that you know 1000 times more about this stuff than I do, do you have any suggestions, as to what I can do to speed up my media center, Chewy? I mean I really have not noticed much of a speed difference but I am open to all suggestions as how to speed it up (other than removing the OS and reinstalling another). As the media center is my main computer.


              • Chewy
                Super Moderator
                • Nov 2003
                • 18971

                MCE is just a fancier version of any oem windows xp, what makes them slow is all the bells and whistles that load at startup, you can optimize that, the sony and HP ones I worked on had a lot more crud running on top of that.

                You can be your own system builder.

                Personally I prefer plain xp with a custom install of home video software.
                I hate media player.


                • lilrdridinghood
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2006
                  • 21

                  Basically to my understanding, MCE is just Win Xp Pro with an extra application added(which is the Media Center).

                  I have it on my laptop (HP) and yes I have noticed that it is slower than my desktop computer (eMachine). Thats my opinion.

                  Windows MC looks nice and new when you first get it but I hardly use mine now at all. One advantage is being able to connect it to my satellite box to view/record shows. Most people are getting DVR's with their satellite service now.

                  I'm not putting it down, it is nice to have.

                  To each their own I suppose.


                  • Chewy
                    Super Moderator
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 18971


                    pretty sure mce is home based not pro


                    • cynthia
                      Super Moderatress
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 14278

                      It's based on Home edition. You will notice it in the network abilities. Same restrictions as in the home edition.


                      • lilrdridinghood
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • May 2006
                        • 21

                        Oooops, sorry about that but you are right, it is Win XP Home.

                        I got my wires crossed.

