DVD Rebuilder Freeware Edition for Dummies
The purpose of this guide is to get you started with DVD Rebuilder and to show you how easy this program is to use and also the advantages you will notice when you watch your backup of using this program instead of DVD Shrink when you want to apply a high 'shrink' per cent for your DVD.
At a first glance this program may look very tricky and advanced to use - but I can promise you that if you can use DVD Shrink - you sure can learn how to use this program. There are more settings and a lot of new words but there is no need to know every function of this program.
I will also show you that you can use this freeware program with some additional programs - so that you can do the whole backup process with freeware programs.
After you have installed the program in your computer - just take a walk in the customizing section of this guide and after that you just need to select where your original files reside and select which (if any) soundtracks and subtitles you want to keep and then press the backup button and finaly burn your new created DVD.
If you have any problems or questions regarding this program - you can post those in the DVD Rebuilder forum - moderated by UncasMS. He and the other members will help you with your issues.
I also want to thank blutach and UncasMS for the help with this guide and for some additional material collected from previously written FAQs.
What's wrong with DVD Shrink?
Over the course of the past couple of years DVD ripping techniques have changed dramatically. Newer "one click" programs have made backing up a DVD a fairly simple process... but there is a significant trade-off. The quality that can be attained by even the best of these programs is poor in comparison to original techniques that used Cinemacraft Encoder, HC Encoder, QuEnc, or other top-notch encoders. The reason is simple. When using one of these encoders the picture is rebuilt from scratch and optimized for the resulting bitrate. One-touch transcoders usually drop DCT coefficients or change quantization info in order to lower the bitrate. This can result in pixelation and poor overall picture quality.
But, they sure are convenient.
That's where DVD ReBuilder (DVD-RB) comes in. This program was built to bridge the gap between the incredibly easy but limited "one-click" solutions and the incredibly complex but high-quality methods of DVD ripping and backup.
Another advantage of DVD-RB when compared to older methods is that it doesn't require access to an expensive authoring package. DVD-RB includes its own reauthoring engine that reconstructs the DVD in a way compatible with its original design.
Supported Encoders
- Cinemacraft Encoder (commercial)
A very fast encoder. The price is US$ 58.00 for the CCE-Basic version.
- HC (freeware)
An exceptional quality encoder that, while slower than CCE, comes pretty close in terms of quality. This software is included and is installed automatically in the DVD Rebuilder installer package. Developed by hank315.
This is also the encoder we are going to use in this guide.
- QuEnc (freeware)
A high quality encoder. Version 0.52 or above is required. This software is included and is installed automatically in the DVD Rebuilder installer package. Developed by NIC.
- Canopus ProCoder (commercial)
Recommended by UncasMS if you want a very professional encoder. The price is US $499 for the ProCoder 2.0 version. There is also a ProCoder Express version for US $59.95.
- ReJig (freeware)
This is actually a good-quality high-speed transcoder. Developed by by NIC.
I still have a feeling that DVD Shrink with AEC enabled will do a better job.
Operating System Support
DVD Rebuilder will work on these systems:
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Windows 2003
Donations and the Professional Edition
I know. You cringe at the thought. But, a lot of work went into this program and I'm not charging anyone outright for my time. I ask that if you find this program useful (and I think you will), PLEASE DONATE $10 (suggested) to my PAYPAL account.
It will keep the improvements coming and also help me work on other similar software projects. As a donator you will get the benefit of being notified of all freeware upgrades available, and I will accept your requests for additional features (If you don't contribute, please don't ask). Come on! It's only ten bucks! (Of course if you're really wealthy and impressed, feel free to donate a million dollars, and if $10 sounds like too much, donate what you can).
Please note that the "Professional Edition" of DVD Rebuilder is available for $29.95. Sending a donation of that amount or greater will result in your automatic upgrade to the Professional Edition. The Professional Edition adds many, many additional features, including:
- Video Segment Editing
- Movie and Menus Only capability
- Segment Blanking
- Slideshow Mode
- Advanced Encoding Features
- Movie-Only mode
- Extended HC encoder support
- Graphic Analysis display
- ISO file creation
- Automatic burning using DVD Decrypter
- New v1.00 Intuitive Interface
- Full support for ILVU encoding
- ... and more...
These new features will never be included in the freeware version. So if you want to take your backups to the next level of outstanding quality, get the Professional Edition.
To find out more about DVD Professional, click on the "Rebuilder Web Link" option under the HELP menu.
It will keep the improvements coming and also help me work on other similar software projects. As a donator you will get the benefit of being notified of all freeware upgrades available, and I will accept your requests for additional features (If you don't contribute, please don't ask). Come on! It's only ten bucks! (Of course if you're really wealthy and impressed, feel free to donate a million dollars, and if $10 sounds like too much, donate what you can).
Please note that the "Professional Edition" of DVD Rebuilder is available for $29.95. Sending a donation of that amount or greater will result in your automatic upgrade to the Professional Edition. The Professional Edition adds many, many additional features, including:
- Video Segment Editing
- Movie and Menus Only capability
- Segment Blanking
- Slideshow Mode
- Advanced Encoding Features
- Movie-Only mode
- Extended HC encoder support
- Graphic Analysis display
- ISO file creation
- Automatic burning using DVD Decrypter
- New v1.00 Intuitive Interface
- Full support for ILVU encoding
- ... and more...
These new features will never be included in the freeware version. So if you want to take your backups to the next level of outstanding quality, get the Professional Edition.
To find out more about DVD Professional, click on the "Rebuilder Web Link" option under the HELP menu.
I have divided it into these sections:
- Introduction
- What's the difference between DVD Shrink and DVD Rebuilder?
- Installation
- Customizing
- Use a ripping tool
- Save more space - use MenuShrink
- Running
- Burning
- How To Update Your Version of HCEnc Batch?
- Batch Processing
- Filters
- Misc. Tips and Advice
- Suggestions And Feedback - Feel free to post what you want