With AQE I don't think so, I have messed with this series a lot with QuEnc with QLB Matrix and filters and HC couldn't come close with out the use of filters and the use of dgdecodes deblock and same went for AQE and the quality still wasn't good enough.With procoder all I used was removegrain sse3 mode=2 because this series needs it, and procoder can get it done faster then the other 3 encoders as for the Halos I could always us one of theses three methods to remove it DeHalo_alpha,TBilateral or VagueDenoiser(I am not that familiar with Vague) . I am not saying it's impossible with AQE but I know it can't be done with out the help of at least 3-5 filters which will slow you down more.Maybe some one with more experience will prove me wrong and that's fine with me I will learn something new I can only go by my own experience with this series and encoders
