gknot vs flask/xmpeg

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  • haflo
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2002
    • 35

    gknot vs flask/xmpeg

    i have been makeing divx for the last 1 - 1.5 years now.
    i tryed gknot with we were soldiers, monsters inc. and blade 2.
    i did the same three with flaskmpeg xis 3.0e and xmpeg 4.5.
    for those 3 movies gknot was the wurst. (all three are 2 cd rip with dolby digital 5.1) i realy dont understand why all of you like this program so much. its easy to use and you dont need to work with all of the other programs on your own..... but its not so good with the video quality. i didnt noticed much diffarence between flask and xmpeg, but i think xmpeg was the best. all movies were zone 1 and i used the same bit rate and filters and all the stuff the same. gknot just cant be a compare. in the fast sceanse gknot produced a bulcky image while flask was still good looking. my opinion is - use flask or xmpeg it may be slower but with the results you cant argue.....
  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    without any samples or even screenshots its hard to judge what does not look good with your files.

    my assumption is: you didnt use gk properly.

    i never got any bad avi output using gk+divx5 in two pass mode.


    • haflo
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2002
      • 35

      well, right now i`m at work so screen shot is impossible....
      the movie with gknot look good untill a fast motion shot is made, in we were soldiers when they start the shooting and running the men`s themself looks very good but the rest of the image (in the corners of the screen) is bulkey and you see the pixels.
      i`ll take a screen shot and show you at tuesday.
      by the way i used your guide for the gknot.


      • Erci
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        Digital Video Enthusiast
        • Nov 2001
        • 333

        I must say i agree with UncasMS... you must do something wrong?

        You said that the region on the discs are 1 and you also said that you used uncas guide... he's guide (according to him, haven't read it properly) is not aimed for ntsc material....
        Do you properly deinterlace it and crop it? if not that might be a problem... try checking att www.doom9.org it'll also expain how to rip ntsc...

        DVD Backup Guide


        • UncasMS
          Super Moderator
          • Nov 2001
          • 9047

          by the way i used your guide for the gknot
          well, since i know pretty well what the average results look like, i'm sure you must have done something wrong in case your avi looks shitty.

          let's see how we can solve the problem but be asured: gk beats xmpeg hands down.


          • khp
            The Other
            • Nov 2001
            • 2161

            Re: gknot vs flask/xmpeg

            Originally posted by haflo
            all movies were zone 1 and i used the same bit rate and filters and all the stuff the same.
            Could it be that Flask/X-mpeg preforms IVTC for you, but you don't do it in GKnot ?
            Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


            • haflo
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jan 2002
              • 35

              all i can say is that i know that the guide is for pal, but i used it just for the understanding of the prog. all the settings are a ok and on all 3 progs i used the same things and settings.
              gknot is just not that good.


              • Hekke1664
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2002
                • 17

                I've been using GKnot for 2 years now, I encoded about 120 movies without any problem or bad quality (PAL region2). Are you using the same codec for GKnot and flask ? I tried Flask and XMpeg but it never works it always crashes of something bad happens (windows crashes,file too large/small,...).
                Why do you use AC3 5.1 instead of MP3 or OggVorbis. I prefer video quality. AC3 uses a lot of space which could be used to improve the quality of your video.


                • UncasMS
                  Super Moderator
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 9047

                  gknot is just not that good.
                  you simply dont use it correctly, thats about it.

                  since you dont seem to have specific questions (we cannot do more than to offer help) stick with what you like best and we can close this thread!


                  • ivwshane
                    • Feb 2002
                    • 56

                    I encoded twin warriors (it's a kung fu movie with lot's of action) using gknot (2 pass) and divx 5.02pro and the results were awesome (1 cd rip). I also did k-pax with similar settings and got pretty darn close to dvd quality! (also a 1 cd rip).

                    I used the tutorial found at doom9 and the results were great!!


                    • haflo
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Jan 2002
                      • 35

                      i agree with uncasms, we can close this. i just wanted to let you guy know my feelings about gknot.
                      and Hekke1664 - i prefer dd5.1 couse my computer is connected to my home theater and to my big screen tv. and when i`m sitting and watching as film i want to enjoy it as much as i can. with 2 cd rip i get a dvd quality and dd5.1. so i benefit form both of the worlds.

