hi folks i'm a newbie to the wonderful world of divx ..so please go easyon me if this is a stupid question, i have a very large dvd collection and i'm working on building my computer into a audio/video server. i'm currently using smart ripper, dvdx and divx5.0.2pro to do my encoding, i understand the very basics of this software and i've been having good sucess with all of it . i'm also using wmp 9 to play everything back. i've done disneys atlantis and encoded it as a 1.6 gig file and the mummy ( the new one ) as a 1.4 gig file both of these look great on my 36 inch tv and play perfectly with wmp9 , now i've tried harry potter which is a 2 hour and 20 summpin movie i had divx 5 set at 720 by 480 , one pass quality and 3 on the quantizer, the file size came out to be over 2 gigs which wasn't a problem for me ..but nothing would play it ( tried wmp9 divx player, and windvd) after 6 attemps i lowered the settings to 640 by 480 and 4 on the quantizer still using 1 pass quality . the file size came out to be 1.9 gig and played perfectly ..could have looked a smudge better but hey it worked. is there a file size limit using divx or did i just really have summpin screwed up on the earlyer attemps ????any susjustions would be greatly welcomed .
