divx file size

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  • duke of decay
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2002
    • 5

    divx file size

    hi folks i'm a newbie to the wonderful world of divx ..so please go easyon me if this is a stupid question, i have a very large dvd collection and i'm working on building my computer into a audio/video server. i'm currently using smart ripper, dvdx and divx5.0.2pro to do my encoding, i understand the very basics of this software and i've been having good sucess with all of it . i'm also using wmp 9 to play everything back. i've done disneys atlantis and encoded it as a 1.6 gig file and the mummy ( the new one ) as a 1.4 gig file both of these look great on my 36 inch tv and play perfectly with wmp9 , now i've tried harry potter which is a 2 hour and 20 summpin movie i had divx 5 set at 720 by 480 , one pass quality and 3 on the quantizer, the file size came out to be over 2 gigs which wasn't a problem for me ..but nothing would play it ( tried wmp9 divx player, and windvd) after 6 attemps i lowered the settings to 640 by 480 and 4 on the quantizer still using 1 pass quality . the file size came out to be 1.9 gig and played perfectly ..could have looked a smudge better but hey it worked. is there a file size limit using divx or did i just really have summpin screwed up on the earlyer attemps ????any susjustions would be greatly welcomed .
  • Erci
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    Digital Video Enthusiast
    • Nov 2001
    • 333

    Have you read any guides in encoding video?
    To begin with, always crop and resize your video, never ever use the original size of the movie.
    If you wan't even better quality with smaller filesize, use GordianKnot and Virtualdub instead... If you use it right it''ll give you a great quality.
    You can find guides over att www.doom9.org read them.

    DVD Backup Guide


    • duke of decay
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2002
      • 5

      i've read a lot the past week including forums such as this ..the only mention i've found as to file size was the troule windows has with 4 gig files ..which my 2 gig was still under..i did try to do harry potter by croping it nd resizing it , but had no luck if the file size went over 2 gig. i'm really not trying the smallest size these will be played om tvs thru out my house , so i'm trying for the best picture i can well still trying to conserve harddrive space.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        The 2Gig problem you're running into is a limitation of STANDARD .AVI. The Open DML .AVI format allows for files of up to 4Gigs in size...


        • khp
          The Other
          • Nov 2001
          • 2161

          Originally posted by setarip
          The 2Gig problem you're running into is a limitation of STANDARD .AVI. The Open DML .AVI format allows for files of up to 4Gigs in size...
          That is not entirely true, the limit for OpenDML avi files is much lager than 4GB, I don't recall the exact limit but I have had avi files larger than 100GB. The 4GB limit is caused by the Fat32 filesystem, that doen't allow files of any kind lager than 4GB. To get around that problem you need to use an NTFS filesystem.

          But of course most people still use fat32, because they run win9x/me. which does not support NTFS.
          Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


          • Hekke1664
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2002
            • 17

            Have you tried to split the 2gig file into 3 file of 700MB ? I also had this problem but I haven't encoded a 3 cd movie since.


            • duke of decay
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2002
              • 5

              ok so basiclly if i go ahead and convert my files over to the ntfs format like my copy of xp pro told me i could do and i was to chicken to try it ...i should be able to make my movies in larger files like i had hoped ....right ???????????????????????


              • duke of decay
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Sep 2002
                • 5

                and i really wanted to say thanks for the help here folks this has been driving me nuts for weeks now , its great that forums like this and people like you are willing to help out...ok thats as sappy as i get


                • khp
                  The Other
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 2161

                  Originally posted by duke of decay
                  ok so basiclly if i go ahead and convert my files over to the ntfs format like my copy of xp pro told me i could do and i was to chicken to try it ...i should be able to make my movies in larger files like i had hoped ....right ???????????????????????
                  Correct, the NTFS filesystem will let you have files as large as you could possibly want, I don't recall the exact limits, but it's measured in TeraBytes. And of course all filetype, size restrictions will still be valid.

                  And I suppose there are some valid reasons for using Fat32 instead of NTFS. The NTFS filesystem uses more strict security policies, which may make it harder to recover your data, in the event of af system crach.
                  Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                  • setarip
                    • Dec 2001
                    • 24955

                    I would once again remind you to make certain that you use OPen DML .AVI and NOT "standard" .AVI (which itself limits you to 2Gig filesize)...


                    • kinji5
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Sep 2002
                      • 1

                      open dml avi

                      Originally posted by setarip
                      I would once again remind you to make certain that you use OPen DML .AVI and NOT "standard" .AVI (which itself limits you to 2Gig filesize)...
                      I have a question about using opendml under Flaskmpeg .6

                      when i use it combined with divx4.12 and try to encode it gives me an error and crashes.. any clue?


