I couldn't find the quality I want.

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  • ledzeplin
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2002
    • 2

    I couldn't find the quality I want.

    I have about 66 dvds. Last week I decided to rip them and used gnot first. It was good but not like some divxs that release groups made(Dominion, dvl). Than I tried nandub. It was good at first experience but not excellent. Than I tried again, again, again,...... But the result was average. I tried nearly all the possibilities, I changed all the parameters but it was same.

    Am I doing something wrong at somewhere? Please help me...
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    GK and nandub are amongst the best tools out there for creating the best possible looking DivX files. There may be a number of reasons for you seeing average quality:

    1. Perhaps you did not set the bitrate high enough. A 500 kbps movie will look crap no matter how well done and prepared your procedures are. 800-1000 kbps would perhaps be better starting points.
    2. DivX will never ever match the true quality of DVDs. That's one thing to keep in mind. The best it can do is look almost and nearly as good as DVDs, but never exactly the same. If done properly, DivX movies will look very good, enough for the general viewers to have difficulty deciding whether it is DVD or otherwise. Perhaps you are simply more discerning and picky (no pun intended) than most others?

    Anyway, it would be better if you can share your encoding procedures with us, so we can see where you have possibly gone wrong.


    • ledzeplin
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2002
      • 2

      Actually, I don't want to create a dvd quality. I have the dvd of Blade II and I have ripped it several times but it was never not like the divx that I have downloaded from the net.(DivxDominion)

      My settings are:
      Filter mode: precise bicubic.
      Bitrate: 1000 kbps
      keyframe interval: 10 seconds
      minimum allowed bitrate: 460 kbps
      Internal scd: 96%(alsa tried with 100% and changed antishit)
      space kfs: 24
      Quality control: I tried both antifreeze and antishit.
      Antishit: 16 minquality: 29 motionmodulation:50%

      And others are default nearly..



      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417

        Looks like you are using most of nandub's default settings. What is the resolution that you are using? It is also safe not to enable antishit and antifreeze unless you are having problems with the final DivX output. Lastly, which I'm sure you are aware already but anyway, have you run nandub in two-pass mode? That is, run the first pass, followed by the second pass.


        • UncasMS
          Super Moderator
          • Nov 2001
          • 9047

          click on the upper anigif and compare my nandub routine to your settings

          and: try gordianknot + divx5

          in case you're aiming for 1cd rips, DONT use mp3 but go for ogg instead since it provides better quality especially for low bitrates!

