Movie Size

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  • audi
    • Sep 2002
    • 88

    here ya go

    here is the stat file, please check it out . it is from another movie that i am having that same problem with
    Attached Files


    • khp
      The Other
      • Nov 2001
      • 2161

      That looks pretty much perfect. The file is very very close to the maximum possible quality.

      In short nothing more can be done. Short of disabling the use of B-frames, which would probably begin to give you a slightly better quality, at a file size increase of 15-20%.
      Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


      • audi
        • Sep 2002
        • 88

        so back to my basic question why when i try to make a 2 cd rip is it coming out to like 900 megs and lower.


        • khp
          The Other
          • Nov 2001
          • 2161

          Originally posted by audi
          so back to my basic question why when i try to make a 2 cd rip is it coming out to like 900 megs and lower.
          It's probably the same problem. In such cases I would probably go for a 1 CD rip (perhaps at a slightly lower res). If maximum quality quals 900 MB, a 700 MB rip using the same settings, will also look pretty good.
          Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


          • audi
            • Sep 2002
            • 88

            im trying to rip vanilla sky and it says on 2 cds the video will 1100 kbits and on one cd it will be 397 kbit and that is really low . there must be something that im missing . 1100 cant be its maximum quality . can you think of anything more ?


            • audi
              • Sep 2002
              • 88

              The Steps i go through

              there is a quick overview of the steps i go through

              1. use dvd2avi to prepare the vob
              2. open that dvd2avi in gordian select 2 cds and 192 audio rate
              3. make the resolution to be close to .22 and 60% in this case it comes to 72% .22
              4. i view it resized set the credits
              5. i choose save and encode use sharp bicubic, trim both
              6. i then use pro features and psychovisual enh normal

              thats basically it if there is anything that i missing please let me know


              • audi
                • Sep 2002
                • 88


                to finsih up under the audio tap i use custom parameters. Basiccally i follow the guides that i have seen in this forum exactly.


                • khp
                  The Other
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 2161

                  Originally posted by audi
                  im trying to rip vanilla sky and it says on 2 cds the video will 1100 kbits and on one cd it will be 397 kbit and that is really low . there must be something that im missing . 1100 cant be its maximum quality . can you think of anything more ?
                  Depending on the resolution 1100 kbps could very well be the maximum quality. But I have already told you the settings I used for VanillaSky.

                  And for a one CD rip I would of course use 128 kbps audio to get some more video bitrate. Well OK for one CD rips I usually use the method described in this thread

                  To get an extra 100 MB
                  Last edited by khp; 11 Nov 2002, 10:25 AM.
                  Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                  • audi
                    • Sep 2002
                    • 88

                    final thought

                    so as a final thought the only way i can get a full sized rip is to use virtual dup manually.


                    • khp
                      The Other
                      • Nov 2001
                      • 2161

                      I don't really see the point of doing that.

                      If all you do, is load the avs file created by GKnot into virtualdub and doing a qualti based encoding @100, then all you will gain is a few MB, assuming that the avi file created by GKnot is near maximum quality.

                      And if you use some other method for getting the DVD into virtualdub, any filesize increase will be caused by a lower quality source than the one supplied by GKnot.
                      Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                      • audi
                        • Sep 2002
                        • 88

                        so we decided that i havent reached maximum quality then why is it cutting my file size down from 1400 megs (2 cds) to 984 and 919. do i have to just keep raising my resolution or something. why are my movies coming out to 1400 megs if im not at maximum quality. also i tried raising the audio rate way up and it didnt change the file size. is it a problem with divx or is there just an option or something im missing. i tried reinstalling everything.


                        • khp
                          The Other
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 2161

                          Originally posted by audi
                          so we decided that i havent reached maximum quality then why is it cutting my file size down from 1400 megs (2 cds) to 984 and 919.
                          Then there would be two possible explanations. Either you don't have divx5 properly installed in which case GKnot will produce more or less random results. But this is extremely unlikely because you can encode with divx5 in virtualdub. So divx5 must be properly installled on your system. The other option would be that you have somehow misconfigured GKnot so that it miscalculates the bitrate, this is also quite unlikely, and would be obvious by looking at the *_gknot.log file, which I have already asked you to post.

                          Originally posted by audi

                          do i have to just keep raising my resolution or something.
                          If we assume that you have reached maximum quality: yes, but there really isn't much point in going over 704*x.
                          If we assume that you haven't reached maximum quality: no then the problem must be something else.

                          Originally posted by audi

                          why are my movies coming out to 1400 megs if im not at maximum quality.
                          I'am sorry I can't make any sense of this statement.

                          Originally posted by audi

                          also i tried raising the audio rate way up and it didnt change the file size. is it a problem with divx or is there just an option or something im missing. i tried reinstalling everything.
                          What I would suspect, is that GKnot desided to use different resizeing methods for the two encodings, and this caused the video to max out at diffrent bitrates, and that made up for the diffrent audio bitrates. GKnot will deside what resizing method to use based on the BPP value, so when you change the audio bitrate GKnot may have desided to change the resizing method.
                          But feel free to post your *_GKnot.log file, that way we can see if GKnot is playing any tricks on you.
                          Last edited by khp; 11 Nov 2002, 12:53 PM.
                          Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                          • audi
                            • Sep 2002
                            • 88

                            i cant post my log file it says its too big then i zipped it and it still is too big


                            • khp
                              The Other
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 2161

                              Originally posted by audi
                              i cant post my log file it says its too big then i zipped it and it still is too big
                              You are looking at the wrong logfile. The *_gknot.log file is nomore than a few KB.
                              Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                              • audi
                                • Sep 2002
                                • 88

                                ohh oops ok got it
                                Attached Files

