Movie Size

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  • audi
    • Sep 2002
    • 88


    i realize that i used the vanilla sky sound for the game but can you notice any other problems


    • khp
      The Other
      • Nov 2001
      • 2161

      You have set GKnot to expect that 181203 KB will be used by you for external files, What are you using that for ?.

      Other than that everything looks perfectly normal.

      According to the log GKnot encodes the main movie at 1217 kbps, which means that we should expect the audio- and credits-less avi file name gameproj_movie.avi, to be something like 1.03 GB if the file does not hit maximum quality before that. Which I would not think unlikely at a resolution of only 576*416.
      Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


      • audi
        • Sep 2002
        • 88

        yeah that movie came out to be about 1.03 gigs how do i get it to be 1400 megs


        • audi
          • Sep 2002
          • 88

          also what do you mean i have set it to expect 181203 kb can you explain that a little more, it may be my problem


          • khp
            The Other
            • Nov 2001
            • 2161

            Originally posted by audi
            yeah that movie came out to be about 1.03 gigs how do i get it to be 1400 megs
            Thats just the movie without audio and endcredits. Adding audio and credits adds about 200 MB.
            The movie with audio and video should be located in gameproj.avi

            also what do you mean i have set it to expect 181203 kb can you explain that a little more, it may be my problem
            That seem very likely. See attachment.
            The four boxes I have encircled, control how much data GKnot expect to use for everything except video.

            The audio A and Audio B boxes account for the main and (optional) secondary audio tracks. The files box is for letting GKnot know that you need some extra space on the CDs for external files. I usually set them for 3-5 MB to account for external subtitles. But if you don't use anything like that, it should be set to 0. Finally there is the AVI overhead box, which control how much space to allow for AVI file overhead, which should be set to reflect your audio selection. So if you us a Single mp3 streams it should be set to 1x vbr MP3 audio.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by khp; 11 Nov 2002, 02:08 PM.
            Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


            • audi
              • Sep 2002
              • 88

              thats weird cause with the audio and video together came out to 1.03gigs, also you set you audio rate to 448, normally i use 160? And one last thing i should have calcualte frame overhead un-checked right ?


              • khp
                The Other
                • Nov 2001
                • 2161

                Originally posted by audi
                thats weird cause with the audio and video together came out to 1.03gigs,
                Then you must have hit maximum quality.

                Originally posted by audi

                also you set you audio rate to 448, normally i use 160?
                Never mind, I was just throwing around some numbers.

                Originally posted by audi

                And one last thing i should have calcualte frame overhead un-checked right ?
                No, that should be kept checked. For an average movie, having a single vbr MP3 stream account for about 10-12 MB of overhead, which left unchecked will lead to oversized files if you don't hit the maximum possible quality.
                Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                • audi
                  • Sep 2002
                  • 88

                  but in the log file i sent you you said that i didnt reach maximum quality, and if i did hit maximum quality then wouldnt i be able to raise the audio rate alot and or raise the resolution in order to get a file size of 1400 megs


                  • khp
                    The Other
                    • Nov 2001
                    • 2161

                    Originally posted by audi
                    but in the log file i sent you you said that i didnt reach maximum quality, and if i did hit maximum quality then wouldnt i be able to raise the audio rate alot and or raise the resolution in order to get a file size of 1400 megs
                    It didn't hit but it was very very close. Maximum quality would probably be 5-10 MB lager. So maximum quality is holding you back.

                    The Divx5 encoder starts behaving a bit strangely near maximum quality, so if you aim slightly over maximum quality, it will come out slightly lower than maximum quality.
                    Last edited by khp; 11 Nov 2002, 02:32 PM.
                    Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                    • audi
                      • Sep 2002
                      • 88

                      so rasing the sound quality and or the resolution enough should give me a file size of 1400 megs right ?


                      • khp
                        The Other
                        • Nov 2001
                        • 2161

                        Originally posted by audi
                        so rasing the sound quality and or the resolution enough should give me a file size of 1400 megs right ?
                        Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                        • audi
                          • Sep 2002
                          • 88

                          didnt you say you were able to encode vanilla sky just fine. how did you do it cause that is one of the movies giving me trouble


                          • khp
                            The Other
                            • Nov 2001
                            • 2161

                            Originally posted by audi
                            didnt you say you were able to encode vanilla sky just fine. how did you do it cause that is one of the movies giving me trouble
                            I was using 704*400 and I think 160 kbps vbr mp3 audio, with a target filesize of 1295 MB (2*650 - 5) and it came out about 3 MB undersize. But I was using a PAL version, so you might get different results when using a NTSC version.
                            Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.


                            • audi
                              • Sep 2002
                              • 88

                              i used your resoltion 704 x 384 and the compressibility came out to .162 and 48.8 % is this bad ? and what do you normally to get


                              • khp
                                The Other
                                • Nov 2001
                                • 2161

                                Originally posted by audi
                                i used your resoltion 704 x 384 and the compressibility came out to .162 and 48.8 % is this bad ? and what do you normally to get
                                I have never put much faith in compressability test numbers, it's been my experience that the feature is a bit buggy. 0.16 bpp is a bit low, but vanilla sky does not contain much action, and with B-frames and GMC enabled it should be within resonable limits.

                                If I want to know how well a movie compresses I'll do a manual check using quality based encoding @ 100% in virtualdub.
                                Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.

