tiny tiny files

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  • rorypyro
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 15

    tiny tiny files

    Hey, I'm a (relative)newbie, and like all newbies, I have a problem!

    I've just started encoding, using gordian Knot with Divx5. It took me a good while to get working, but I managed that much, And happily encoded A beautiful mind and jaws to 1.2 gb files I could split over two CDs. Had a small audio sync problem but I fixed it in Nandub.

    I tried to encode Brotherhood of the wolf, using the same method exactly (or so I thought) - I go throught all the parameters, everything seems fine, hit encode, and it starts up virtual dub just like normal, only the status window tells me my projected file size is 4 mb! It encodes them at a worthless 2k/s bitrate.

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I'm using two different machines and they both started doing this the other day. the other one first limited everything to a 600mb file, and now its down to about 6 megs. Theres plenty of space on the drives of both machines....
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    Sounds like you are performing the first pass, which always results in small and unplayable AVI files. The second pass, performed after the first pass, will result in the true, fully-sized (if I can call it that way) video file.


    • rorypyro
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2003
      • 15

      thats definitely not the case for one of the machines. It might be for the other one though. One of them I can leave for 24 hours, come back and the file is about 400mb, when I asked it to be 1280 mb


      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417

        One of them I can leave for 24 hours, come back and the file is about 400mb
        In this case, it is possible that the given movie has reached maximum quality, where all frames in the video stream have already had all the bits they require and need no more. Does this movie happen to have a lot of dark scenes in it (which would contribute greatly to the compressibility of the movie)?


        • rorypyro
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2003
          • 15

          No they're terrible quality! They look like a real media file by the time they're finished.

          BTW that tiny avi file size for the first one is sorted, thanks for the help! I guess I should have read Doom9s Gordian-Knot FAQ BEFORE I posted threads.

          Still getting bad quality low file size avis for the second one though.

          I've tried Tigerland, When Brendan Met Trudy, and the Professional - Special Edition


          • The Edge
            Digital Video Expert
            Digital Video Expert
            • Jan 2003
            • 610

            Can you post the GordianKnot log-file.?
            Could be so many reasons.

            "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


            • rorypyro
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2003
              • 15

              well I don't have it with me at the mo, I'm in work.

              could you give me a few of those possible reasons?


              • The Edge
                Digital Video Expert
                Digital Video Expert
                • Jan 2003
                • 610

                Could be so many things....
                Are you keeping the AC3 sound or just mp3?
                Codec issues......
                I have done A Beautiful Mind and Brotherhood of the Wolf on 1 cd fine in the past and they turned out fine.
                If you get a chance to post your logfile, that usually shows any issues there might be

                "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


                • rorypyro
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2003
                  • 15

                  I'll post the logfile tonight if I get a chance.

                  I'm ripping the AC3 sound from DVD, then converting it to MP3 with BeSweet.

                  But even if I was using a huge AC3 file (say 300mb), the end file which incorporates video and audio should still be the size I specified, right?


                  • The Edge
                    Digital Video Expert
                    Digital Video Expert
                    • Jan 2003
                    • 610

                    Yeap, spot on.
                    It would seem the bitrate being specified by GKnot is not being used. What codec are using?
                    If you are applying any special treatment to the credits, this could be f*cking things up.??

                    Post the log file and we will have a gander at it later tonite.

                    "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


                    • rorypyro
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2003
                      • 15

                      will do.

                      But If I don't get around to it tonight I'll post it tomorrow.



                      • rorypyro
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Feb 2003
                        • 15

                        didn't get a chance to grab that .log file last night, I'll see if I can get it this evening.


                        • rorypyro
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2003
                          • 15

                          Ok for some reason the log file is 12mb!

                          Surely thats a bad sign... I won't be posting it but I'm about to have a good root through it and see what I can find....

                          if I can open a text file that size...


                          • rorypyro
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2003
                            • 15

                            Right - Heres the Smaller one, tiger_1_GKnot_1.log (lots of ones there, I've made a few attempts!)

                            06/02/03 19:44:23: Job "Movie 1" started.

                            o DivX5-First Pass: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger.avs
                            End of Job 3 (Movie 1).
                            __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________

                            Gordian Knot
                            Encoding Job Data:

                            Type: EncD5_First
                            Number: 3
                            Name: Movie 1
                            Platform: Win98SE (4.10.67766446).1

                            VirtualDubExe: C:\PROGRA~1\GORDIA~1\virtualdub\Virtualdub.exe
                            NandubExe: C:\PROGRA~1\GORDIA~1\nandub\Nandub.exe
                            AviFinal: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1.avi
                            AviMovie: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1_Movie.avi
                            AviCredits: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1_Credits.avi
                            MovieFS: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger.avs
                            Log : D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1_1.log
                            Stats: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1.stats
                            Ecf : D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1.ecf

                            Quality/DRF: 0
                            CreditsStart: 0
                            UseEcf: 1
                            CreditsIVTC: 0
                            CreditsAppend: 1
                            DeleteInterm.: 0
                            Anti****: 0

                            VideoSize: 871770 kbyte.
                            Audio1Size: 86480 kbyte.
                            Audio2Size: 0 kbyte.
                            Overhead: 9154 kbyte.
                            AviSize: 967405 kbyte (944 mbyte).
                            FilesSize: 0 kbyte.
                            TotalSize: 967405 kbyte (944 mbyte).
                            Interleaving: vbrmp3
                            Bitrate: 1229 k(=1000)Bits/s
                            Frames: 145295
                            FPS: 25.000
                            Duration: 1:36:52
                            Quality: 0.218 bits/(pixel*frame).
                            CompCheck3: 0.000 bits/(pixel*frame).
                            CompCheck5: 0.000 bits/(pixel*frame).
                            DivX5BiDirect: 0
                            DivX5GMC: 0
                            DivX5QuartPel: 0
                            DivX5PsyVis: 0
                            Resolution: 640 x 352

                            Audio 1:
                            mode: Just Mux Source File.
                            sourceFile: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger AC3 T01 3_2ch 384Kbps DELAY -111ms.mp3
                            wavFile: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger AC3 T01 3_2ch 384Kbps DELAY -111ms.wav
                            mp3File: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger AC3 T01 3_2ch 384Kbps DELAY -111ms_1.mp3
                            azid: ""
                            lame: ""
                            delay: -111
                            interval: 2
                            preload: 500
                            mux: 1
                            recalc: 1
                            deleteWav: 1

                            Audio 2:

                            19:44:23: Audio 1, determined: 86480 kb
                            19:44:23: Audio 1, calc: 86480 kb
                            19:44:23: New Bitrate for Movie = 1229 k(=1000)Bits/s

                            Adding this script to C:\PROGRA~1\GORDIA~1\virtualdub\VirtualDub.jobs:

                            // $job "DivX4 First Pass"
                            // $input "D:\films\Tigerland\tiger.avs"
                            // $output "D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1.avi"
                            // $state 0
                            // $start_time 0 0
                            // $end_time 0 0
                            // $script

                            VirtualDub.Open("D:\\films\\Tigerland\\tiger.avs", 0,0);
                            VirtualDub.video.SetCompression(0x78766964,0,10000 ,0);
                            VirtualDub.SaveAVI("D:\\films\\Tigerland\\tiger_1. avi");

                            // $endjob
                            // $done

                            19:44:23: Started DivX5-First Pass: D:\films\Tigerland\tiger.avs
                            23:44:13: Finished DivX5-First Pass. Duration: 3 hours, 59 minutes, 49 seconds.
                            23:44:13: Trying to open Log-file.
                            23:44:17: Success: Log-file open.
                            23:44:17: Encoded: 145294 Frames.
                            23:44:17: Speed: 10.097 Frames per Second.

                            23:44:17: Done.
                            23:44:17: Log File = D:\films\Tigerland\tiger_1_1.log
                            Total Encoding Time: 3 hours, 59 minutes, 54 seconds.
                            06/02/03 23:44:17: Job "Movie 1" finished.
                            __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________


                            • UncasMS
                              Super Moderator
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 9047

                              only pass 1 was done

                              you must have misconfigured gk

                              click my upper anigif and compare the gk routine with what you did

