Alright, my problem is the following. I have a two part avi file with xvid and ac3 which I am perfectly able to append under vdubmod. Yet if I attempt to demux the ac3 sound of, say, part 2, and then attempt to remux right back in again (deleting the original ac3 stream in so doing) the newly saved part 2 avi will not append to the original part 1. Vdubmod brings up an error message to the likes of "different audio formats". Comparing the respective audio file info boxes (orig part 2 and demuxed/remuxed part 2) in vdubmod give identical audio parameters except for the number of layout blocks--the original contained about 60,000 block whereas the remuxed version nearly 90,000. Am I correct to believe that even if the ac3 versions look, feel, taste and smell the same (they both play nominally well) they are in fact not the same animal and have ever so slightly been modifeid by vdubmod? Thus my final question is: is there another method that allows you to 'cut and paste' ac3 sound to its original video component without going through the whole decompression to wav phase? Thanks anyone
AC3 file merging/remuxing
I can't follow why you want to demu and mux again when you want to merge a spliited movie, but you can use graphedit, i believe winamp can only do stereo (with nullsoft disk writer plugin) and you can use Magix audio cleaning lab demo that will demux the sound aswell (with out the posibility to edit though, its a demo)
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