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  • ninfan14
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
    • 1


    I'm having trouble with mpeg2avi,the px3 version.It worked almost without trouble when i was ripping the first half of Amadeus,but now its acting strange with the second half.I am using the following command line in a .bat file:

    m2apx3g.exe -b VTS_01_3.VOB -f0 -q0 -r7 -3x 640 -3y 480 -1 640 368 -a -o8 movie.avi

    What happens is the dos window comes up and says finished and then the mpeg2avi screen comes up for a slpit secod then dissapears.And i have live 2 free gigs.Does anyone know whats going on?
  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    two ideas that come to my mind:

    1. the very END of your parameter list is NOT correct!
    the px3 version ALWAYS requires a subdirectoryname NEVER the name of an output file - replace movie.avi with 'x:\movies\' for example!

    2. have you doublechecked your list files?
    are all the pathes and vobnames correct?

