Resizing in Gknot (help)(macroblaock in Gknot)

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  • hacker_on_fire
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Mar 2002
    • 517

    Resizing in Gknot (help)(macroblaock in Gknot)

    Well i encoded 'bandits' using the 2cd option but i see macroblocks (this should not happen with divx3 2pass) so i reckon its cos the resizing filter...

    What types of resizing are best in Gknot when saving the dvd2avi into avs.

    1) Bilinear
    2) Soft Bicubic
    3) Neutral Bicubic
    4) Sharp Bicubic

    So your verdict....

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  • UncasMS
    Super Moderator
    • Nov 2001
    • 9047

    macroblocks do NOT result from resizing

    at least not that much and not directly!

    they are a sign of too low bitrate or bad settings.

    since you use gk, we can hardly talk of settings

    i could tell you the nandubs settings i consider very good for most 2cd rips, but thats a different story (or take a look at them yourself: in my guide you'll find a GERMAN nandub guide, but the screenshot are plain to understand).

    and btw sharp/precise bicubic is the best choice for sharpness and details
    Last edited by UncasMS; 3 May 2002, 09:07 AM.


    • khp
      The Other
      • Nov 2001
      • 2161

      Generally speaking I think Bilinear will compress slightly better while Sharp bicupic will produce sharper pictures which are harder to compress.

      If you have problems with macroblocks I would suggest that you either use 'Bilinear', maybe add a light Noise filter, use a lower resolution or use divx5 which generally produce less macroblocks.
      Last edited by khp; 3 May 2002, 09:18 AM.
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      • hacker_on_fire
        Digital Video Expert
        Digital Video Expert
        • Mar 2002
        • 517

        Uncas, i cant do much about the bitrate, cos i'm doing a 2cd rip, however the film is 2hours 23mins. So this could be the problem

        khp, i'll try bilinear resizing. If this dont work i'll try divx5 (cough, cough)

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        • techno
          Digital Video Master
          Digital Video Master
          • Nov 2001
          • 1309

          To tell u the truth, increase the res cause I had a problem with aliens (2 h 20 min film) and I increased the res and worked fine for 2cd rip. Use DIVX 3.11alpha (my opinion)



          • hacker_on_fire
            Digital Video Expert
            Digital Video Expert
            • Mar 2002
            • 517

            techno, i have used a higher res. So i'll see what happens.

            Do u think the macroblocks occures becuase the W-Zoom was highlightes red in Gknot under the res tab, next tothe aspect ratio.

            What do you think? Does the red bit matter?

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            • techno
              Digital Video Master
              Digital Video Master
              • Nov 2001
              • 1309

              To tell u the truth, I dunno!

              But if it's red then of course, I think, it means that something is wrong.



              • hacker_on_fire
                Digital Video Expert
                Digital Video Expert
                • Mar 2002
                • 517

                i think so too.

                Enchanter / UncasMS would you care to enlighten us. I am sure you've got something to say.

                OR N E Body Else
                MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU

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                • UncasMS
                  Super Moderator
                  • Nov 2001
                  • 9047

                  red in gk means bitrate is too high or too low!

                  use the compressability check

                  i prefer pure nandub and with the settings you can see (screenshots) in my guide, i get the best out of two cd rips unless the final-file size will not get too SMALL.

                  otherwise they are sort of optimal settings imho.


                  • hacker_on_fire
                    Digital Video Expert
                    Digital Video Expert
                    • Mar 2002
                    • 517

                    i done the the compressibility check. It was at 79% and the bits/pixel was 3.09.

                    SO i do not know what going on
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                    • UncasMS
                      Super Moderator
                      • Nov 2001
                      • 9047

                      reduce your resolution!


                      • hacker_on_fire
                        Digital Video Expert
                        Digital Video Expert
                        • Mar 2002
                        • 517

                        Uncas u said reduce res, but when i put it full screen, wont it look worse

                        Also techno, early said to increase the res

                        MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU

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                        • Erci
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          Digital Video Enthusiast
                          • Nov 2001
                          • 333

                          After you've done the comp test try to get the value between 65-75% this should be the optimal. If it's still red try to change the values so they aren't red. And see what happens then. Or else I dunno what you can do. Some movies compress realy well though so it might be because of that. I don't know how Bandits are though.

                          DVD Backup Guide


                          • Enchanter
                            Old member
                            • Feb 2002
                            • 5417

                            I can tell you the two things that you definitely can do to reduce macroblocks.

                            First, the resolution must be reduced, instead of increasing it like Techno suggested. Too high a resolution will result in each frame not getting sufficient bits, hence the macroblocks you get. Also, provided the decreased resolution is still high enough and that you have assigned sufficient bits, the end results should look alright, much better than if you had used the higher resolution and got the highly annoying macroblocks.

                            Secondly, using bilinear resizing will soften (or smooth) the picture so that it is more easily compressible, reducing the likelihood of macroblocks. Usually, when I encode an episode, I use Precise Bicubic (VD filter). I check the results whether there are major macroblock problems. If so, I will switch to Precise Bilinear resizing. Sure, precise bicubic is good and sharp, but is totally a bad idea if you end up with macroblocks (or even warmings).

                            p.s. What resolution and how much bitrate are you using?


                            • UncasMS
                              Super Moderator
                              • Nov 2001
                              • 9047

                              simply increasing the bitrate wont help
                              (check the gk instructions/manual)

                              the final size will not fit and since bitrate refers to macroblocks you'll have to reduce the number of macroblocks in the whole film (not their actual size [which u cant - it is 16x16 pixel]) by reducing the resolution

                              Last edited by UncasMS; 5 May 2002, 12:27 AM.

