I was wondering if there is a easy way to convert Mpeg 1 to Mpeg 4.. I have bought a few VCD's and was wanting to make a back up of them on my computer... I would like to convert them to DivX if I could... If there is any information on converting them, please let me know.... Thanks.... Melocco.......
converting Mpeg1 (VCD) to AVI (Divx)
Yes, Thank you.. But I use VirtualDub and TMPGEnc now, but the Divx always come out like crap... I mean they are glitchy and the sound is out of senc. well this is what I do now... I just need to know if there is a easyer way to do it... and if so how..
I Start VirtualDub, Click File then open the mpeg 1 movie.. It takes a few minutes to interleave it, then I go to audio, and switch it to direct stream. Then I save the wav (File Save wav). Then switch to full pros. mode in audio, and click wav and then pick the wav that I riped from the Mpeg, then go to Video/compresstion and pick Divx 4 (I found that DivX 5 is worst then 4) and then File/save avi and name it and then save...
I have been told to rip the wav... But I have tryed it with out ripping the wav.. Direct stream and compress the audio with Mpeg layer 3 24kbps stereo.
If you know of a nother way to do it, please let me know... This way seems to give me jerky video, grainy video, and the sound it out of sinc, and some times jerky or even worst, in mono... Thanks again.... Mel...Comment
Where can I get divx 3 at?? I have 4 and 5 pro (full version, cost me $30).. But I can't find divx 3 anywhere... If you have it or know where it is, could you let me know??? My E-mail address is webmaster@melocco.com and my website is http://www.melocco.cc (I have http://www.melocco.com but it's up and down for some reason)...... Thanks..... If you could let me have it I would owe you.... Please let me know.. Thanks........Comment