Good day,
I am running a AMD Xp 1700 box with 512 MB DRR, and wonderful XP (Pro)
I have been encoding for a long time, and have done many many movies, without really knowing the nitty gritty.
then, i switched to XP and this new computer
Anyway, after ripping the vob file to my HDD with CladdXP, I open the file in Flask version 0.6 , and set all my setting just like i used to: 720x480 , I use Divx 4 (low motion) (as i have herd that the new relase suxs) , decode audio at 48000 Hz, HD Bicubic Filtering, with a key frame every 1 second, and a test frame rate of 770.
Anyway, as soon as i hit start conversion, I get BSD ( only its the nice new gray DON'T SEND box) and everything goes it poop.
Furthermore, the few times it has worked in the past, the computer locked up, and the resulting file had HORRIBLE video / sound syncro problems.
I need some major help. Any advice would be apprecited.
I am running a AMD Xp 1700 box with 512 MB DRR, and wonderful XP (Pro)

I have been encoding for a long time, and have done many many movies, without really knowing the nitty gritty.
then, i switched to XP and this new computer
Anyway, after ripping the vob file to my HDD with CladdXP, I open the file in Flask version 0.6 , and set all my setting just like i used to: 720x480 , I use Divx 4 (low motion) (as i have herd that the new relase suxs) , decode audio at 48000 Hz, HD Bicubic Filtering, with a key frame every 1 second, and a test frame rate of 770.
Anyway, as soon as i hit start conversion, I get BSD ( only its the nice new gray DON'T SEND box) and everything goes it poop.
Furthermore, the few times it has worked in the past, the computer locked up, and the resulting file had HORRIBLE video / sound syncro problems.
I need some major help. Any advice would be apprecited.