Problems with XP and Flask

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  • GAP
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2002
    • 5

    Problems with XP and Flask

    Good day,
    I am running a AMD Xp 1700 box with 512 MB DRR, and wonderful XP (Pro)
    I have been encoding for a long time, and have done many many movies, without really knowing the nitty gritty.
    then, i switched to XP and this new computer

    Anyway, after ripping the vob file to my HDD with CladdXP, I open the file in Flask version 0.6 , and set all my setting just like i used to: 720x480 , I use Divx 4 (low motion) (as i have herd that the new relase suxs) , decode audio at 48000 Hz, HD Bicubic Filtering, with a key frame every 1 second, and a test frame rate of 770.
    Anyway, as soon as i hit start conversion, I get BSD ( only its the nice new gray DON'T SEND box) and everything goes it poop.
    Furthermore, the few times it has worked in the past, the computer locked up, and the resulting file had HORRIBLE video / sound syncro problems.
    I need some major help. Any advice would be apprecited.
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    Though I'm not offering any immediate help, I would like to ask a few things on your encoding procedures.

    What do you mean by a test frame rate of 770? Are you saying encode the first 770 frames of the movie? Also, I find that a resolution of 720x480 is rather too high and it would boost the quality of your encoding (a lot) if you can crop off the black bars at the side of the video and resize to a smaller resolution (eg. 640x() or 512x(), depending on the bitrate you are using).

    Lastly, check that you have DirectX and the appropriate codecs installed. Try to keep the number of installed codecs at a minimum (ie. Don't install ANYTHING you are not going to use). That will help prevent problems from conflicts. Making sure that you have got the drivers for your components (motherboard, VGA card, etc) will be essential as well.


    • Erci
      Digital Video Enthusiast
      Digital Video Enthusiast
      • Nov 2001
      • 333

      This is not directly much help for you on the flask problem, but it still might be a solution for your problems.
      Try to use GordianKnot and Nandub for your encoding instead. According to me and a lot of other people in this forum, Flask sucks in qaulity
      And remember don't make thge resolution as big as you make it. It'll give you a crappy quality.
      As I said try out GordianKnot and Nandub and you'll notice a great difference in quality.
      You can read my guide at
      try it out and see how you like it.

      DVD Backup Guide


      • GAP
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • May 2002
        • 5


        770 is my bit rate, not frame rate, sorry.
        Erci, I tired your guide and programs, and it worked ok, but took forever. Flask (when it worked) was SO much easier.
        I dont think my problem ( getting a error and close program when i start the conversion) has to do with resolution, but rather with the program itself.
        But again, Im not hard core, so beyond the candy coated layer of Flask, i dont really know whats going on.
        Again, any help is appreciateed.


        • khp
          The Other
          • Nov 2001
          • 2161

          Re: Problems with XP and Flask

          Originally posted by GAP
          I use Divx 4 (low motion) (as i have herd that the new relase suxs)
          I'am sorry, there is a lot of rather immature kids who like to spread this kind of misinformation. It's my opinion that these claims are founded on nothing but fear and ignorance. My advice would be not to listen to such people, make your own tests and make up your own mind.

          Originally posted by GAP
          Anyway, as soon as i hit start conversion, I get BSD ( only its the nice new gray DON'T SEND box) and everything goes it poop.
          OK lets try narrowing down what might cause this problem.

          1. Try disabling audio processing.
          2. Try encoding to another video codec. If you got enough HD space try using uncompressed on a short clip.
          3. Try using 'OpenDML avi' output instead of 'avi' or visa versa.
          4. Try using another iDCT setting.
          Donate your idle CPU time for something usefull.

