XviD .avi with perfect picture, but no sound.

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  • Blodo
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2002
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    XviD .avi with perfect picture, but no sound.

    Hi everyone! I just downloaded an XviD DVD rip of Episode II to tide me over until the DVD comes along. I downloaded and installed the XviD codec, and I already have Divx 5 installed. I get a perfect picture, but no sound. Anyone have any suggestions? When I right click and go to properties, it says Unknown format for the audio. Do I need some AC-3 filter? I could sure use the help. Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Okay, I installed the Nimo codec pack, and I replayed the vid. The vid, including the audio started working fine after the install. However, after I closed the vid and tried to play it again, the vid and Media Player froze, as if I tried to play a corrupted vid. Not only that, it rendered all my other vids usesless in the same way. Tried playing vids and Media Player froze. So I assume something in the Nimo pack screwed with my Media Player program. I uninstalled Nimo, and reinstalled Divx 5, and the vids are back to working perfectly. But the XviD again has no sound. So, anywhere know where I can get a single audio codec to play this vid?

    Sorry for the long post.
    Last edited by Blodo; 7 Sep 2002, 03:37 PM.
  • jastheace
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2002
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    Try this: Install nimo THEN install Divx 5.

    Nimo by default installs Divx 4.x which will replace DivX 5. If you try to play a divx 5 fle with a divx 4 codec in most cases it will fail.

    Hope I helped.


    • Blodo
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2002
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      Ah, tried that and it did the same thing. However, I fixed the problem. I just installed the Nimo Lite pack, instead of the full package. Now it works perfectly. Thanks for the reply jastheace. Your reply did help, because I only thought of that after reading your advice.


      • jastheace
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2002
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        Glad I could be of some help

