Ahhh! Sound but NO video!!!

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  • videodiver
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2002
    • 1

    Ahhh! Sound but NO video!!!

    Recently I downloaded a lot of divx.

    And there is about 5 divx that dont show video in WMP 8 (windows XP). But they do play in the divx Player.
    The problem is that in the divx player the output to TV of my videocard doesn't work; and for other reason i cannot use this player.

    I put the divx in GSPOT and it tells me that the codec is DIVX 3. But that it is played by DIVX 5.02.

    I tried to do what was told in this forum to force the divx 3 to be used insted of divx5 but it didn't work.

    I am lost here, I spent a lot of time on this problem.

  • hazedlife
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2002
    • 8

    I also have that problem. Some movies does not seem to work with WMP 8.0

    I have used 6.4 in 98se and now im using it in XP as a Default.
    For some reason the old media player works better, you should try that.

