How can I prevent DivX 5 from playing DivX 4 content as well?

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  • Seabook
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2002
    • 2

    How can I prevent DivX 5 from playing DivX 4 content as well?

    Hi guys,
    I'm pretty sure most of you have read the sticky thread about preventing DivX 5 from playing DivX 3 content. That's all nice and good. But does it fix DivX 4 as well? How can I prevent DivX 5 from playing DivX 4 and 3 content and prevent DivX 4 from playing DivX 3 content at the same time. Is there a universal way of ordering codec priorities? (Ya, why the heck don't video codecs have priority setting like audio codecs do in Windows?)

    BTW, what the heck are DirectShow filters for? Do you need the codec for playback if you have the DirectShow filter?
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "prevent DivX 4 from playing DivX 3 content"

    When installing DivX v.4.xx, simply respond with a resounding "No!" to "Do you want" the DivX v.4.xx codec to play DivX v.3.11 files...


    • Enchanter
      Old member
      • Feb 2002
      • 5417

      Why would you want to prevent DivX5 from playing DivX4 contents as well? DivX 5 is an upgraded form of DivX 4.

      The decoding results between the two codecs are the same (to my eyes anyway), when it comes to DivX 4 contents. The same thing can't be said for DivX 3 contents and hence the necessity to put up the afore-mentioned sticky thread.
      Last edited by Enchanter; 10 Nov 2002, 04:41 PM.


      • Seabook
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2002
        • 2

        about setarip's suggestion

        the divx 4 codec is ALREADY installed. then I installed divx 5. So do you mean I should reinstall divx 4 over divx 5?


        • setarip
          • Dec 2001
          • 24955

          If you insist on having all three codecs installed, despite the fact that you really don't need the v.4.xx codec, uninstall ALL Three, then install in the following order:

          v.4.xx - Answer "No"

