divx audio

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  • elbarto33
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2002
    • 15

    divx audio

    I've posted this in the software section, but I thought I'd post it here too. I had Nimo, but that messed up some of my xvid movies. So I removed Nimo and installed divx 3.11a and divx 5 by themselves (I have xvid installed already) and that solved the problem. However, now some of my movies have no audio when they used to have audio with Nimo. It says error downloading codec. So I know the files have audio, but I can't seem to get the divx and xvid movies to work at the same time. Anybody have any suggestions? Thanks.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    1) Load the file into VirtualDub

    2) From the "File" dropdown menu, select "File Information"

    3) Post (here) EVERYTHING you see (both video and audio information), or post a screen capture .jpg of the information box


    • elbarto33
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2002
      • 15

      Ok...I'll do that. I have to get virtual dub first. FYI...I looked at the file properties, and the only files that I'm having audio problems with are the ones that are not mp3 audio if that helps. All the ones that work are mp3 audio.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        Chances are that the "problem files" contain .AC3 audiostreams - in which case you'll see a reference to "Unknown (tag 2000) in the audio section of the VirtualDub File Information window.

        If that proves to be the case, download and install an .AC3 filter/codec - either separately or as part of a codec "pack". If it's part of a codec "pack" install ONLY the .AC3 filter/codec...


        • elbarto33
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2002
          • 15

          Here is what I get when I load the file in virtualdub:

          sampling rate: 4800Hz
          Channels: 5 (Stereo)
          Sample precision: 0-bit
          Compression: Unknown (tag 2000)
          Preload skew: 28000 samples (0.58s)
          # of frames: 23104
          min/avg/max/total frame size: 172/1024/28000 (231330K)

          Hopefully this helps.


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            Now that my speculation has procven to be the case, download and install an .AC3 filter/codec - either separately or as part of a codec "pack". If it's part of a codec "pack" install ONLY the .AC3 filter/codec...

            Just curious - Is there a reason you chose not to reflect the Video information that appears in the File Information box?


            • elbarto33
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Dec 2002
              • 15

              because I didn't want to have a huge box that takes up the whole page. Plus the video works, so I figured I'd save time and space. Thanks setarip...you rule.


              • elbarto33
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Dec 2002
                • 15

                Everything works now. Thanks for all the help setarip.


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  My pleasure ;>}

                  (BTW, sometimes a comparison of the number of video frames to the number of audio frames can reveal meaningful information...)

