After FF, audio starts again from begining

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  • Sylph Hunter
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2002
    • 5

    After FF, audio starts again from begining


    This is my first post so please forgive me if I say anything nieve!

    I have a problem with my DivX films that I have created. When viewing them the audio and video are fine. However, when I use Fast Forward or Rewind, the audio starts again from the beginning of the film (the video carries on as it should do).

    Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

    I've searched the forum for other instances but I haven't seen any. I've looked at some of the sync'ing problems and tried using VirtualDub to fix the problem by interleaving the audio every 1 frame..... but it didn't make any difference.

    I've tried 3 different DVDs and I get the same result with them all.

    I'm using Ruuds tutorial (purchased) from

    I'm using Flask MPEG, encoding my video with DivX 5.0 Pro and my Audio as MPEG Layer 3, 128kb 48,000hz Stereo 15kb/s

    My player is the player that came with DivX Pro. I've tried RadLight and WMP but these both crash when I try and open the .avi file.

    Any help greatly appreciated, thanks!
    Last edited by Sylph Hunter; 30 Dec 2002, 01:04 AM.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    What .MP3 codec is installed on your system?

    What version(s) of Winodws Media Player have you tried?


    • Sylph Hunter
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2002
      • 5

      Hi setarip,

      Thanks for your prompt response!

      I'm not actually sure what MP3 codec I'm using.

      When I setup (in FlaskMPEG) the audio, it says:
      codec auds.tag.85 (if that means anything to you)

      Using the tutorial, I've installed some NIMO codecs
      (Full installation and then deselected:
      DivX 3.11 Alpha
      DivX 4.12
      Huffyuv 2.1.1
      3ivx Codec
      DivX G400 Filter)

      I then installed the DivX 5.0 Pro package, FlaskMPEG and unzipped some ThunderSimm files into the FlaskMPEG directory.

      Regarding the WMP, I've just used the 'out of the box' Windows XP media player version.
      I've been thinking the problem is more with how I created the divx .avi file rather than the player. I'm happy with the DivX player but if you think the problem if more player based then I will check it out.

      By the way, I wasn't sure if it was a common problem with DivX movies or not, so I downloaded some sample DivX movies and ran these in the DivX player and they worked fine when I used Fast Forward or Rewind.

      I appreciate your help, just sorry I can't give you the best answers. If you could tell me how to find out what the MP3 codec I'm using is, I'll look into it and get back to you.

      Thanks again.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "codec auds.tag.85"

        That's the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal 0x55, which is a general identifier of .MP3 codecs.

        "I downloaded some sample DivX movies"

        Did they play successfully under the Windows Media Player, or did they also cause it to crash?

        "I then installed the DivX 5.0 Pro package"

        Try updating to v.5.02...


        • Sylph Hunter
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Dec 2002
          • 5

          Hi setarip,

          Currently at DivX 5.02.

          The sample DivX movies also crash WMP.

          How do I identify what MP3 codec I'm using??




          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            "The sample DivX movies also crash WMP."

            Then you've probably installed something via the Nimo "pack" that's affecting your system.

            I'd strongly suggest that you initially uninstall everything to do with the Nimo "pack", reboot, try a "sample DivX". Only reinstall codecs/filters that you KNOW you need (You can almost certainly live without DivXG400"...


            • Sylph Hunter
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Dec 2002
              • 5

              Hi setarip,

              I have done what you said and then only installed the "basic" Nimo installation and it now works in WMP.

              The DivX player still starts the audio from the start, but I'm not bothered as long as I've got one player that works I'm happy!!

              Now, I can see that the video and audio are out of sync but there are plenty of threads here dealing with that topic.

              Many, many thanks for your help



              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                "Many, many thanks for your help"

                My pleasure ;>}

