all players crash on me

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  • bdfortes
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 4

    all players crash on me

    Hi all

    I'm having trouble playing movies on my computer. It's not blank screen, no sound or anything. The problem is all the players are simply crashing when I try to load a movie. Let's be more specific:
    My system is an Athlon XP 1300 running Windows ME. I installed Divx 5.02 and Koepi's Xvid and the AC3 codecs, so I would run almost anything. Problem is, when I try to load ANY movie on Radlight 3.03 or Zoom Player, I get an "Exception 80000003 error". When I try to load them with WMP, I get an error in msvfw32.dll, which forces the program to close. The same thing happens when I try to load them to gspot. The weird thing is SOME movies open in the player bundled in the divx pack, but with others I get the message: "Failed to open movie.avi".
    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling all combinations of the programs above, with no success. The movies I tested were LOTR extended edition, Waking Life (both worked ONLY on Divx player), The Hours, The Pianist, Femme Fatale and La pianiste (all of these didn't run on any player). I know they all work because I could watch in another system (P3866) running Windows XP.
    Do you gurus have any clues on what might be happening ?

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    Install or reinstall DirectX...

    (Or, alternatively, go to the theatres currently playing these movies...)


    • bdfortes
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2003
      • 4

      Just installed DirectX 9.0, but it didn't help... Same thing happened. Already scanned for virus, ran Windoctor, but nothing happened.


      • bdfortes
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2003
        • 4

        SOLVED !

        Hi all

        I finally solved the problem by myself, when I tried looking at M$ Knowledge Base. I had the msvideo.dll file corrupted, so I just went to the windows install cab files, found the required file (winzip does the trick) and replaced the corrupt one. Easy as that.


        • digitaldick
          • Feb 2003
          • 81

          bdfortes- great that you solved your problem! I've learned another lesson. May I ask- how did you know that it was corrupted? My rig shows 2 of this .dll, both version 4.03.1998. Also, can U share the "how" involved in installing the AC3 codec. I downloaded it ok and it installed ok but what to do? Clicking on the "configuration" shortcut from Start results in nothing! And a movie file loaded into GSpot keeps indicating that I still need the AC3 to play it, so I guess "it" is not installed properly.

          <I finally solved the problem by myself, when I tried looking at M$ Knowledge Base. I had the msvideo.dll file corrupted, so I just went to the windows install cab files, found the required file (winzip does the trick) and replaced the corrupt one. Easy as that.
          be wise!


          • bdfortes
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2003
            • 4

            Hi digitaldick

            I didn't find out directly. When I tried to run movies in WMP, I got the MSVFW32.DLL error. So I tried looking for msvfw32 in the MS knowledge base ( It came up with article #139806. There, it said this error is caused by a corruption in either mciavi.drv, dciman.dll or msvideo.dll, or all of them, which are located in the windows\system folder. Then, i just found these files in the windows cab files (from the installation cd) and tried copying the original version over the ones I had in the computer. The first two were loaded in memory, so it didn't work. It only worked for msvideo.dll, and it was enough to do the trick for me. If it's not your case, you should try starting in windows safe mode.
            About AC3, I downloaded the version avaliable on sharereactor ( It comes with divx 3.11 and AC3. I didn't install the old divx. I only clicked in the file regwin98.bat (or regwin2000.cmd) and that was all I needed to register the filters. Sorry for taking so long to answer.

