No Sound or video

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  • jilly_b
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 6

    No Sound or video

    Have used GSpot to check to Divx movies and it says that there is "No Audio Channels" Does this mean that the file is useless?? I have 4 movies the same if this is the case. If the video format checks out, why can I not even see the video?? All I get is a small Divx logo in the bottom right hand corner.

    Any help greatly appreciated. Used all of my download limit to download these files!!!


    Attached Files
  • chickeneater
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Apr 2002
    • 672

    thank for putting this thread in the right forum .

    since this is a DIVX file, load it into Virtualdub
    file-->file information

    post everything you see, a screen capture would be nice.
    FFDShow filters
    Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


    • jilly_b
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2003
      • 6

      Thanks for the help. Have instal VirtualDub and tried to run one of the movies. first and error apeared so I am guessing I need to uninstall a few codecs and go again - but what shoud I have?? TThen when I tried to play a movie I had a blank screen so checked out the file details.

      other screen dump to follow

      Attached Files


      • jilly_b
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2003
        • 6

        second screen dump
        Attached Files


        • Enchanter
          Old member
          • Feb 2002
          • 5417

          Looks like a fake file to me.

          Are you able to scroll through the AVI in Virtualdub and see any pictures?


          • jilly_b
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2003
            • 6

            no nothing comes up at all just the little divx logo in the bottom right hand corner. I downloaded both parts from two different sources - neither will work. Guess I am hesitant to delete the files just in case I am doing some thing wrong.

            What codecs should I have installed? Should I uninstall all that I have and install new ones?



            • chickeneater
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Apr 2002
              • 672

              no, there is no need to uninstall your codecs. It looks like you have a fake file. that message usually comes up the first time you open vdub.
              FFDShow filters
              Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                These two screen captures appear to represent two different files...

                The first screen capture is NOT an ERROR message, rather merely an information message (Read the last line carefully). For THIS video, it would appear that you need to download and install the DivX v.3.11alpha codec (installation of which oncludes both the video codec and the Radium [Fraunhoefer hack] .MP3 audio codec). Is there a reason that you didn't provide a capture of this "File Information" window?

                The second file (for which you provided a screen capture of the VirtualDub "File Information" window) is a fake...
                Last edited by setarip; 16 Feb 2003, 06:09 PM.


                • digitaldick
                  • Feb 2003
                  • 81

                  hey jilly_b- any news to report? Did you try to play that 1st movie after you installed the 3.11 as suggested by setarip?

                  setarip- I'm very interested in learning why you suggested that jilly_b try the DivX v.3.11alpha codec when the GSpot reported that the 4CC was DX50/divx name- Divx5.0 was installed and that the file rendered successfully?

                  < For THIS video, it would appear that you need to download and install the DivX v.3.11alpha codec (installation of which oncludes both the video codec and the Radium [Fraunhoefer hack] .MP3 audio codec).>

                  Thanks for sharing more about this.
                  be wise!


                  • jilly_b
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2003
                    • 6

                    Hey thanks for replying....though nothing new to report. Installed 3.11 and restarted and could still only see the divx logo in the bottom right corner....nothing else.

                    I would have thought that even if there was no details about the audio the video would have played??

                    So am still hesitant to delete these files...will hang on to them just incase.

                    Thanks again for the input


                    • digitaldick
                      • Feb 2003
                      • 81

                      more about that.....

                      Hi back at ya! I had hoped that you would have received more help about this cause I have a similiar problem regarding an .mpg file that will not play and that I waited a long time to obtain, so I'm stubbornly holding on to it hoping to figure out why.
                      In your case, though, (and I am far from being knowledgeable in this area!), I think I can advise you of this- I believe you have an unplayable file. I don't know why several comments say that it is "fake"without more explanation, because "fake" must be indicative of something that shows up or doesn't show up in the reports that you provided, but the fact that you can load your file in VDub and then not see anything after you processed your movie in it indicates that your file is unplayable. It does not explain why sorry to say but from what I've been able to learn from lurking around this Forum for the past month, that's the fact.
                      Maybe someone will find the time to provide you with more explanation as to why they think your file is a "fake" and we can both learn more about it. More importantly, maybe you will get some advise about how to fix it so it will play for you!
                      be wise!


                      • digitaldick
                        • Feb 2003
                        • 81

                        more about that.....

                        Hey jilly_b- any news?
                        Sorry to see that you got no additional replies to this thread. I know that setarip must be very busy but I was hopeful!
                        be wise!


                        • jilly_b
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2003
                          • 6

                          Hi digital D,
                          No, No luck. Have decided to hang on to the files for now. Have checked a few of my other files through the programs previously mentioned and they seem OK.

                          Maybe between us we can figure out what the problem is!!



                          • digitaldick
                            • Feb 2003
                            • 81

                            more about that.....

                            Hi back at ya, jilly_b. I have nothing new to report. New snow this week made skiiing too great to ignore so I haven't been able to perform any new testing on my problem avi movies.

                            I can tell you this though, from a lesson learned the hard way, always make a back up of your movie file before trying to "fix it" with DivFix! This program ruined my last movie when I attempted to learn to use DivFix to "repair" it.

                            Let me know what you have tried recently on your problem files. Have a great week.

                            be wise!

