I think this is a difficult problem but I would appreciate any
comments and suggestions:
When I play MPG 1 files on my computer (in Zoom Player and
Windows Media Player) there is always a slight pause of about
1 - 2 seconds before the video goes back to the beginning. I want the video to repeat itself continously but I don't want any
pauses. When I play MPG 2 files there is no pause and the video loops back smoothly.
I've asked a lot of people if they have this problem. For some
people there is a slight pause when the play MPG 1's and for
others there is only a pause when they play MPG 2 files.
I suspect it is to do with individual computer configarations
and different codecs which people have.
I am creating a website where I will be uploading MPG 2 videos
for people to download. I need to be able to help anyone who
has this problem.
comments and suggestions:
When I play MPG 1 files on my computer (in Zoom Player and
Windows Media Player) there is always a slight pause of about
1 - 2 seconds before the video goes back to the beginning. I want the video to repeat itself continously but I don't want any
pauses. When I play MPG 2 files there is no pause and the video loops back smoothly.
I've asked a lot of people if they have this problem. For some
people there is a slight pause when the play MPG 1's and for
others there is only a pause when they play MPG 2 files.
I suspect it is to do with individual computer configarations
and different codecs which people have.
I am creating a website where I will be uploading MPG 2 videos
for people to download. I need to be able to help anyone who
has this problem.