jerky divx playback on celeron machine

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  • btlman65
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 1

    jerky divx playback on celeron machine

    the video is jerky in all the divx encoded content ive tried to watch so far. i tried using the 3.11 codec, the 4.12 to play back the 3.11, and ive also tried using the moonlight divx decoder. the video always ends up stuttering/jerking. the sound seems to work fine though...also, ive never had problems playing svcds with the elecard mpeg2 directshow filter. i would think if i had the processing power to view svcds, then i'd certainly have enough to play divx stuff. am i wrong??

    my system is a celeron slot 1 333 mhz with 64 mb pc-100 ram and a 3dlabs permedia2 3d video card with(i think) 4 mb of onboard running windows 98 and using media player 7.1

    thanks in advance for any advice,

    -Steve(a noob to the forum, but not to the format)
  • chickeneater
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Apr 2002
    • 672

    try loading the file in WMP6.4, or bsplayer.

    If that doesn't work. You shoud get at least 128MB ram for playback, and 256MB for encoding or Virtualdub. 64MB is definetly not sufficient for decent playback...
    FFDShow filters
    Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


    • Enchanter
      Old member
      • Feb 2002
      • 5417

      i would think if i had the processing power to view svcds, then i'd certainly have enough to play divx stuff
      Not necessarily. DivX playback is not hardware accelerated. It purely depends on the CPU. Your hardware system is a tad too old and slow for playing DivX files, especially high-resolution clips. The 4MB graphic card does not help either. I've seen a 650MHz system with a 4MB card stuttering with ALL video playbacks. Replacing it with a 32MB graphic card dispelled the problem.

      A few things you can do to improve performance:
      1. Use a light-weight player, such as BSPlayer or WMP 6.4 (Run the command 'mplayer2.exe' from the Run command)
      2. Reduce the desktop colour depth to 16-bit
      3. Reduce the desktop resolution to 800x600 or even 640x480
      4. Reduce or disable post-processing settings

