Tricky:DVD2AVI and DVD-9

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  • annguyennz
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2003
    • 1

    Tricky:DVD2AVI and DVD-9

    I've been using DvD2Avi for a long time.
    But now i got a tricky problem... when i was trying to copy DVD-9 to VCD.
    Firstly ...I used Smart ripper to copy the DVD-9 into the hard driver and it was alright ,nothing wrong with the sourse.
    Then i was trying to use DvD2AvI to make a project and the problem come up when i used TMPGEnc 2.57 ,i saw somethings wrong with the pictures when i tried to cut the movie by half.( u can see the example's pictures )....Everytime when the action's pictures come up ,you can see somethings worng come up, and i dont know what is the reason for that.

    Cause i intend to make the mpeg files then i will use Nero to make VCds finally.
    All the progams in my progress are Smart ripper , Dvd2Avi,TMPGEnc 2.57 and Nero
    And the problem come up after i used TMPGEnc 2.57 to cut the movie after used Dvd2avi to make a project.

    Afterthat i was thinking a other ways like i'll try to use another programs to make a project ( like DVD2AVI does) and i chose CladDVD XP v1.3 and the problem still had with some DVD-9 even with some Dvd-5 as well.

    One more thing , i got some new DVd-9s but i couldnt play it on my DVD-rom ,at the time i put it on ,then Power DVD said that unsuported what's wrong with that ,i had no idea.....cuz the DVD seller said that they are new kind of dvds , but ther were working alright on my DVD player....
    but not on my DVD-rom....

    Any idea about those problems????
    Please help me...
  • The Edge
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Jan 2003
    • 610

    Everytime when the action's pictures come up ,you can see somethings worng come up, and i dont know what is the reason for that.
    That's because it is interlaced. You'll need to deinterlace with a deinterlace filter. (Settings/Advance/tick deinterlace) in TMPGEnc.

    DVD seller said that they are new kind of dvds
    Not possible as all DVDs are the same (in the way they are created). Maybe they are SVCDs?

    "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"

