Xvid encoded videos skip

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  • Drewby
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2003
    • 9

    Xvid encoded videos skip

    I've got a bit of a problem with all of my Xvid encoded video files. Every one of them skips. I mean, it will play fine for a few seconds, then skip ahead (without me doing anything!) a few seconds and continue playback. It does this every 20-30 seconds and gets really annoying and causes me to miss out on some dialogue.

    Anyone know what the problem could be and how to remedy it?

    I have the K-Lite Codec pack from www.k-lite.tk, and I thought that was the problem, so I got just Xvid from FileMirrors.com and the problem persists.

    Thanks in advance for any and all help!
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    Uninstall whatever XviD codec build that is bundled with the K-lite codec pack and install the Unstable XviD Build from Koepi instead.

    In addition to that, make sure that DMA for your harddrive is enabled and that your CPU is sufficiently fast for decoding.


    • Drewby
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2003
      • 9

      First off, my computer is plenty fast (Duron 750MHz, 768MB RAM) and I beleive my HD has DMA enabled (how do I do this in WinXP?), but the problems persist.

      I uninstalled the codec pack and the previous Xvid install, and I installed the latest Keopi (spelling?) from you link. Now, there is not video at all. Just gives me the Windows Media Player visualization crap, but the audio works.

      Hm... puzzling...


      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417

        my computer is plenty fast (Duron 750MHz, 768MB RAM)
        It's actually just fast enough. Enable all post-processing settings (from deblocking up to deringing) and you will see the CPU stuttering soon enough.

        To find out whether the problem stemmed from an overtaxed CPU, play one of those problematic files, bring up the Task Manager (by pressing "Ctrl - Alt - Del") and go to the Performance tab. If the CPU Usage meter peaks constantly at 100%, then the CPU is the problem.

        I beleive my HD has DMA enabled (how do I do this in WinXP?)
        It is automatically enabled in WinXP, but it is possible that PIO mode is in use instead. To check, go to Device Manager (Right-click on My Computer >> Properties >> Hardware >> Device Manager), and go to IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers.

        I uninstalled the codec pack and the previous Xvid install, and I installed the latest Keopi (spelling?) from you link. Now, there is not video at all. Just gives me the Windows Media Player visualization crap, but the audio works.
        It is possible that those files were not XviD-encoded in the first place, OR whoever created them had changed the FOURCC code to DIVX (so as to make the DivX 5 codec handle them). In any of those cases, you might have deleted the DivX 5 codec with the uninstallation of the K-lite codec pack and hence the absence of video.

        In addition to making sure that you have the required codec installed, try other (more reliable) players. I recommend WMP 6.4 and BSPlayer.

        Try using FFDShow to decode the files. Download and install it, and configure it to handle all the supported formats (DivX and XviD included). DOn't forget to enable Post-processing as well.
        Last edited by Enchanter; 17 Jun 2003, 11:08 AM.


        • Drewby
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jun 2003
          • 9

          I am sure that these are Xvid files. 100% sure.

          I will look into some of this stuff in a bit and post my results. Thanks for all the help!


          • Drewby
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2003
            • 9

            Well, the computer is running fine. CPU usage rarely tops 40 when playing the movie. So it is not the system.

            I'll try the BS Player like you reccomended. That last part I am not quite sure what you are talking about.


            • Drewby
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2003
              • 9

              Playing in BSPlayer, there is no audio.


              • Enchanter
                Old member
                • Feb 2002
                • 5417

                Have you made sure that all required codecs, for video and audio, have been installed? Did you uninstall the K-lite codec pack and have inadvertently forgotten to reinstall the other codecs that could have been removed (for example, AC3 filters, DivX codec, etc.)?


                • chickeneater
                  Digital Video Expert
                  Digital Video Expert
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 672

                  download ffdshow, get to the ffdshow config-->codecs-->//select all codecs except WMV1.

                  play file in WMP 6.4
                  go to the run command-->type in "mplayer2.exe" //without the quotes-->OK.

                  load your file-->press play.
                  FFDShow filters
                  Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


                  • rosalie
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 4

                    Hey can somebody tell me how we download xvid? Please?!?


                    • WildmanJoe
                      Super Member
                      Super Member
                      • Jan 2003
                      • 283

                      Hey can somebody tell me how we download xvid? Please?!?
                      Try the software page...


                      • rosalie
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 4

                        thanx, but i found it right after i posted the question


                        • Enchanter
                          Old member
                          • Feb 2002
                          • 5417


                          For XviD playback purposes, I highly recommend FFDShow instead of the XviD binary builds. FFDShow possess post-processing filters, take little CPU power and carry much less problems than some of the XviD binaries.

