Sound is faster than video

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  • scudmud
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 4

    Sound is faster than video

    I have a movie that: A) will play with scrambled video and delayed but normal sound in Divx 2.1
    B) Plays normal video and delayed sound in Windows Media Player
    and C) Plays correctly in VirtualDub, But not without giving me the following message each time:
    "VitualDub has detected an inproper VBR audio encoding in the source AVI file and will rewrite the audio header with standard CBR values during processing for better compatibility. This may introduce up to 14703 ms of skew from the video stream. If this is unacceptable, decompress the *entire* audio stream to an uncompressed WAV file and recompress with a constant bitrate encoder. (bitrate: 129.7± 12.3 kbps)" What could i do to enable normal playback in Windows Media Player?
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    1) Does this audio delay occur constantly throughout the video or does it gradually occur (synched at the beginning but becomes off-synch as the video progresses)?

    2) What is your CPU speed?


    • scudmud
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2003
      • 4

      to 1)delay occurs gradually
      and 2)pentium 4 @ 1.40 Ghz


      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417


        Try the following:

        1. Load up AVI file in Virtual/nandub
        2. Set both Video and Audio tabs to Direct Stream Copy
        3. Under Audio, go to Interleave and input the appropriate value in the 'Delay audio track by x ms' box
        4. Go to File -> Save as AVI and give a name to the new file

        In the case of the audio gradually getting more and more off-synch from the video, add the following step prior to saving the file:
        -. Under Video, go to Frame Rate and select "Change so video and audio durations match (you should see a value similar to the original frame rate).


        • scudmud
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2003
          • 4

          What compression should I use? I ran VirtualDub in "Uncompressed RGB" and left it to run overnight. I woke up this morning to find my hard drive full. The output video was 18 Gigabytes!
          (The Input video is 695 MB)


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            I guess you overlooked this part of "Enchanter's" directions:

            "Set both Video and Audio tabs to Direct Stream Copy"

            Doing so will essentially keep your filesize the same as it was originally...


            • scudmud
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2003
              • 4

              This is what I do:
              1) Open VirtualDub 1.5.1 (build 15654/release) by Avery Lee
              2) Drop open "File"
              3) Click "Open video file..."
              4) Click on "(file).avi"
              5) Click on "Open" and this message appears: "VirtualDub has detected an inproper VBR audio encoding in the source AVI file and will rewrite the audio header with standard CBR values during processing for better compatibility. This may introduce up to 14703 ms of skew from the video stream. If this is unacceptable, decompress the *entire* audio stream to an uncompressed WAV file and recompress with a constant bitrate encoder. (bitrate: 129.7± 12.3 kbps)" I click "OK"
              6) The Input and Output fields enlarge to accept the video resolution.
              7) I click on "Video" and select "Direct stream copy"
              8) I click on "Video" again and click "Frame Rate..."
              9) Under "Source rate adjustment" I select "Change so video and audio durations match" and click "OK"
              10) I click on "Audio," but "Direct stream copy" is already selected
              11) I click on "File" and then "Save as AVI..."
              12) I click in the "Save As" box and type "(filename)"
              13) I click "Save"
              14) The "VirtualDub Status - [(filename)]" window opens and processes for approximately two minutes
              15) I close the file and open the new file.
              16) I click play and a window entitled "VirtualDub Error" appears and reads "Couldn't initialize timer!"
              17) What now?


              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                You now appear to be doing everything correctly, except that in light of the fact that the audio is VBR (Variable Bitrate) .MP3, you should use NanDub instead of VirtualDub...
                Last edited by setarip; 29 Jul 2003, 03:06 AM.


                • xgee
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2003
                  • 32

                  I had all that problems in the past, I`ve tried everything, now, I use Crystal player to see my movies and all is fine ...


                  • Russian Crush
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Jul 2003
                    • 8

                    i had the same problem and i did everything that was posted in this post. it all worked BUT now the sound is almost inexistant. in the middle of the movie you can hear some sounds from the very begining. what am i doing wrong?


                    • supersk
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Jul 2003
                      • 3

                      help, i am having similiar odd playback problems with xvid. In one case, the sound and video are out of sync. In the other case, the video and sound stutters really bad to the point its unwatchable. All my xvid movies have either one of these problems.

                      I first used Nic's decoder and then I uninstalled that and tried ffdshow as well. In both cases, the same problem exists. I selected ffdshow to support Xvid and the MPeg4. It only occurs when the video is encoded with xvid as I am having no problems with divx. Oh the audio starts off out of sync and I believe it remains that way.

                      Incidentally, in one case I had a Xvid encoded SVCD of LOTR: Two Towers. When I played it with PowerDVD 5 it stuttered. However, when I played it with PowerDVD 4 it played perfectly. Having found this new discovery, I attempted to play all my other Xvid files with PowerDVD 4 but no luck. They were still way out of sync on audio/video or they just stuttered as before.

                      I run WinXP with 256MB of ram and I use WMP 6.4 to play my files. May I ask you guys what are you configurations and if you have ever encountered this same problem? I heard WinXP may have some configuration problems and it would be best to switch to Win2k? Any help would be much appreciated.


                      • Russian Crush
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Jul 2003
                        • 8

                        try crystal player, makes every movie play nice. that what sucks about it. after you burn it on CD-R its out of sync again.


                        • supersk
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Jul 2003
                          • 3

                          thanks, i'll try that.

                          i wonder why everyone is using xvid to encode their movies when divx worked so well. i miss the gold old days of just installing the divx 3.11 codec and playing a movie without this constant hassle.


                          • supersk
                            Junior Member
                            Junior Member
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 3


                            Crystal Player actually worked for the out-of-sync problem. Thanks man! Can you tell me why? Does Crystal use better code than WMP?

                            So I can now watch the Xvid videos that have the out of sync. But the videos that have the stuttering problem still exists. It's pretty horrible. I read somewhere that the Koepi new unstable codec may correct this? But I'm hesitant to download this new codec since it may mess up my other xvid videos when I try to view right?

                            Any help is appreciated. And thanks.


                            • Russian Crush
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • Jul 2003
                              • 8

                              ive got no idea why crystal player playes them all nice and neat. just does

