Can .asx Clip Be Downloaded/Converted/Viewed Offline

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  • TerryC
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2002
    • 47

    Can .asx Clip Be Downloaded/Converted/Viewed Offline

    hello all,

    haven't visited the site for a while and all's changed! got a burning question to ask.

    can the above streaming .asx format be downloaded/converted/viewd offline at all? reason is i don't have a fast connection & would prefer to view it on the hard disk. can real time capture be used to record it on the fly?

    any help & info would be much appreciated. thanks.

    regards terry
  • The Edge
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Jan 2003
    • 610

    Try ASFRecorder

    "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


    • TerryC
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jul 2002
      • 47

      hey edge,

      thanks for the great info and from the readme file, it sounds very promising:

      This tool enables you to download streaming content in Windows Media Format
      to your hard drive. The resulting files will be in ASF format and can be
      played with Windows Media Player and derived tools...etc
      i'll try tonight when i get home. you're a star! have a great day!



      • The Edge
        Digital Video Expert
        Digital Video Expert
        • Jan 2003
        • 610

        Cheers dude!

        "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


        • TerryC
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2002
          • 47

          i have another question similar to the above. the ASFRecorder only supports http streaming only and no support for the other streaming methods (UDP...etc). the author has mentioned in the readme file that such program similar to his own one exists, designed for downloading .asx media streamed in non-http format.

          i don't know much about this streaming business as it is still relatively new to me and therefore could not possibly locate the specific program he was referring to from google & various search engines. could anyone help?


          • TerryC
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jul 2002
            • 47



