sound problems

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  • leugim
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 4

    sound problems


    I have the movie - Hulk, (2 cd´s), in xVid format, but when i playing the movie, the sound its weird.

    The sound goes lound, then goes lower, then it desapeards, then goes louder again... why does this happen?

    Can you guys help me

    Sorry about my English....

    Best regards

  • shiny#3
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Jul 2003
    • 1000

    first of all do not double post the same issue into more
    than one is a violation of forum rules that you
    should have read already.....

    second .... welcome to the forum.

    third.... it is very hard to help you when you provide us
    with so little information of the Xvid movie.......

    get the little programm GSPOT
    load your movie into that and then post here everything
    Gspot tells you ... or better do a screenshot!!


    • leugim
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 4

      Sorry about the posts...

      G-Spot tells me that everything is fine:

      I have 3 compatible videos (xVid - MPEG-4) codecs and 2 compatible audio codecs (AC3 and Nero codecs).
      I made the render and it run without problems.

      Its the second movie in witch this happens, the sound goes loud, then desapear, then goes low, then it goes louder again...very weird!

