ripping cassettes to hd

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  • psylox
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 21

    Maby you have to ENABLE the LINE-IN option, its in your Configscreen, search for a icon that is called SOUND and DEVICES "or something like that."

    Then click on ADVANGED and unmark the MUTE "line-in"

    This option is standard enabled in all windows.

    Make sure you mute the MICROPHONE if ya use one.
    And do not play arowned whit your mouse, "clicking and making sound", because it will record all of it.

    But like the most allready said, its beter when ya download a freeware sound-recorder, and use it.

    I don't know how much "sound recorder" is able to record.


    • Afterlife
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2004
      • 6

      Double clicking on the speaker icon in the taskbar will bring up Master Volume window, then go to options>properties, and in the adjust volume for area, select "recording" By the way... CDex has a recording feature for analog

      Everyone should definitely check out CoolEditPro - now it's Adobe Audition. You can download a fully functioning 30 day trial from Adobe. They are making it intergrate with Premier, and it can master to 5.1 surround \m/, Should be interesting.

      @Jonss ... Huge project you are undertaking - ... Do yourself a favor and save the wav's too. That would suck to go through all that work and end up with nothing more than a fat little outdated compressed file. At the very least, use a lossless codec like Monkey's audio or FLAC to back-up your collection. Just a suggestion, it might save you from kicking your own @ss down the road

      Alright.. I know I sound like a complete audio snob - I've been down this road before. The only thing that sux worse than recording all your tapes and vinyl to the computer is doing it the second time
      I'd personally save the wav's without restoring them knowing that restoration methods will keep improving. Then I'd apply the restoration and EQing and compress that to mp3. Then I'd make an OggVorbis file to compare it to, and never touch mp3's again lol. Then I'd go reply to a post that has been inactive for a month for some reason??? peace ,\/m
      Last edited by Afterlife; 29 Feb 2004, 10:14 AM.

