streaming WMV doesn't work for everybody?

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  • DSJez
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2004
    • 3

    streaming WMV doesn't work for everybody?

    Hello, I recently created my first webpage containing a streaming WMV. I would like the video to be able to be viewed by everyone that visits, but have received several e-mails from people saying that it won't load on their computer, times out, or plays very choppy.

    I don't have enough computer experience to know how I can fix this so that it works for everybody or even if it is possible to make everone happy. I want a short 30-second to 1-minute vid, in decent quality, in a 5mb file size (or smaller), that everyone can view. Any suggestions?

    This is the page in question:

    Any input would be greatly appreciated!


  • decryptit
    • Jan 2004
    • 856

    Why haven't u use flash.
    Total Number Of Views

    The Decrypter


    • decryptit
      • Jan 2004
      • 856

      Acutally the file does not even appear to exist.Make sure you upload the file well.

      do you have only sound or video + sound.
      Total Number Of Views

      The Decrypter


      • DSJez
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2004
        • 3

        The file exists here: and the page refers to it in the html:

        Is that OK?
        Last edited by DSJez; 22 Feb 2004, 01:03 PM.


        • decryptit
          • Jan 2004
          • 856

          But still the file does not load when going on the link.
          Total Number Of Views

          The Decrypter


          • DSJez
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2004
            • 3

            This is basically why I am posting on here - to find out what I did wrong. Everyone I've talked to that has a cable connection seems to have no trouble at all (the vid loads automatically in about 5 seconds or less). Dial-up users seem to ask questions like you have. I have no answer, but hope someone on here does.


            • decryptit
              • Jan 2004
              • 856

              There is something wrong in the launch of the app,even small restictions could effect the launching of your video but there might be something else.

              What server /pc is the web running on.
              Total Number Of Views

              The Decrypter


              • GRDODD
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Mar 2004
                • 19

                DSJ Pretty good looking video especially for 64K. I noticed that it was wide screen. What format camera; NTSC or PAL?

                What type of encoder are you using?

                What brand of camera?

                What is the total file size for that video?


                • decryptit
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 856

                  have you tried using flash instead of wav.
                  Total Number Of Views

                  The Decrypter


                  • GRDODD
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 19

                    DSJez, the reason that dialup users are having trouble seeing the video is this: Streaming WMV from a server works in the following fashion. The dialup computer connects with the server & they exchange information like file size and play rate and length of play. Then the dialup computer calculates how much of a head start it will need in order to stream seamlessly.(buffer time) If that can't be accomplished given the bandwidth connection (approximately 36k for dialup), then the computer attempts to download the file. Once the file has been completely downloaded, subsequent plays can be initiated from the dialup computer's temp file. The trick would be to place a loop in the region you render in the editing process. That way once the file had completed downloading the loop would force another play and the video would begin to play from the temp file. Its just a matter of how long it takes to download and how much of that actual 36K bandwidth can be allocated to the stream rather than overhead like AOL employs. Even though you get a message when using dialup with AOL that you are connected at 56 K that is emulation resulting from a compression technique used in 56K dialup modems. The actual connection is around 35 to 36 K depending un noise rations and a host of other factors. The compression required to emulate a 56k connection won't work on streaming so the actual connection speed is what we need to use to figure download times. AOL utilizes quite a bit of that available bandwidth in forcing content to your AOL desktop. You may end up with a download speed of only 10 or 15K for instance. A 5 minute video at 100K would need quite a while to complete the download under these circumstances. But the loop trick would initiate a seamless play once the download was complete. I am still interested in hearing about those camera settings and editing platforms you used to produce this video. If you have a cable connection and want to see some very clear video streamed over the net, let me know & I will give you an address to some of the hundreds of 30 minute + videos we produce and stream.

