Inserting text into .AVI files

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  • Spin
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2004
    • 1

    Inserting text into .AVI files

    Hi! I admin a site about nunchaku, and have made some of my own demonstrational footage. for a while ive been trying to insert simple text containing the sites URL in the corner of the clips so people always know where the clips came from.. Ive tried to use Adobe Premier Pro, but that didnt understand the files (no suitable decompressor could be found, or something to that affect i think)
    Ive tried various freeware, and had no luck.. i dont understand..

    an example of the footage is here

    Do i need to change the encoding to be able to edit text into the file(s)?? if thats not the case, then how would i go about editing text in???

    any help would be greatly appreciated..
  • rpalma
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 2

    virtualdub with "logo" plugin

    First of all.
    The video you are trying to edit in premiere is an AVI or WMV?
    WMV format it`s not supposed to be an editable format; if it is an AVI, wich codec did you use ? if you don't know, you can download an install AVICODEC , it will tell you tha codec that uses an AVI file no matter is installed or not.

    If you have an AVI file compresed with a "standar" codec, then you could use Virtual Dub + the "Logo" plugin , it's the easiest way i know.

    If you can't open the file in virtualdub or premiere, then the file has to be protected, corrupted or uses an "incompatible Codec"; if that's the case, where did you get the file? start from there.

    Remember, if you are capturing your own footage, edit it first, add the logos, make all the adjustments, and THEN... you can compress it with ani codec, also always make a backup of the original file.

    hope it helps

