Big Problem! Vertical stripes over video!

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  • rikard
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2002
    • 2

    Big Problem! Vertical stripes over video!


    I have a problem with avi (DivX), MPeg, and realvideo-files.

    When I view these kinds of files in MediaPlayer, Playa, microDVD etc (Realplayer for realmedia) I get black stripes vertically all over the video window..the stripes are pretty thin but they make they make me feel like watching the video from a prison cell
    If a play fullscreen I would guess there are about 80 of these lines att even distances so you can understand that they ruin the experience...

    I have recently gotten new Motherboard, RAM and CPU and also switched from W2k to XP but the problem remains..

    I read about this somewhere and followed the advice to go down to 16bit colour and it helped a bit.. The lines are now at double distance from each other and there are half as many of them
    Not a solution...

    If I use BSPlayer it works nice and if I use my RealMagic H+ for mpg-files it also works just fine...

    I think this is a really weird problem and I sure hope that someone out there has a solution...

    Thanks in advance..

    My System:
    Amd XP1600+
    256 MB DDR-RAM
    Asus GF2 GTS with latest Detonator drivers
    RealMagic H+ with latest drivers
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    I'm not a hardware expert, but itsounds like you may have a faulty videocard...


    • rikard
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2002
      • 2

      Well..I´m absolutely no hardware expert either but can it really be a hardware fault when it works great in for example BSPlayer and the lines get twice as much video between them when i reduce the coulour depth?

      It´s not some kind of "analog" disturbance as I see it, it looks just as like if you imported the video-shot into "Paint" and painted black one-pixel-wide lines each 5 pixel-line or so from top to bottom...

      Still seems kind of wierd to me...

      Thanks anyhow, I appreciate all help I can get...


