For the techies

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  • Ngezi
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2002
    • 25

    For the techies

    Ok this is one for the techies, the diehards.

    My 'problem' is the following: Bs player is the only player that gives me stripes when playing in fullscreen mode.
    The image stays frozen. Just the imagesize before going to fullscreen somewhere in the middle with crap around it.

    To my knowledge all players use the same codecs but still only bs gives me this. It looks kinda like a video memory problem but I've never seen it before or since (I have it since the first release) with other programs or video players

    Weird ehh ??

    Screenshot at

    Don't break yur mind over this, I was able to life without BS for the last 26 years so don't worry too much
  • Batman
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Jan 2002
    • 2317

    I've tried BS and it has only resulted in more problems with me. The prudent thing to do, is to get a better player. I like GDIVX and Yeahplayers they are not that resource intensive.


    • Enchanter
      Old member
      • Feb 2002
      • 5417

      If one player does not work for you, just ditch it for another that works.

      Sometimes, certain combinations (call it weird) of hardware and OS can make one player unable to work, but others can still play movies. You can ask the same questions to the engineers who designed our systems.


      • Ngezi
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2002
        • 25

        I've used a couple but mplayer 6.4 still is kinda fine with me. What I miss is a jump to time function and a fast forward/ reverse function.
        I love the pause/play with the space bar.
        These are really the key functions to me:
        stable, fast forward/ reverse, shortcuts, a good way to jump to parts (unlike playa).
        I don't really care about proccessing time, I haven't got a 486

        I'll try Gdivx for a change.

        thx guys, I was hoping for a weird anwser, like unlock the third screw from the left of your pc case and then shake it and voila...

        Maybe this one then . Can I play fullscreen on the second monitor on my G400 Dualhead ? (no I'm not gonna swap monitors around..)


        • Enchanter
          Old member
          • Feb 2002
          • 5417

          ...I was hoping for a weird anwser...
          The answers to most questions in this forum are simple and fix most problems anyway. There's no rocket science.

          As to your new question, I don't have the graphics card you're using nor a second monitor (wish I was rich), so can't help you with that.


          • Ndb
            Super Member
            Super Member
            • Mar 2002
            • 220

            try a different screen resolution for full screen mode in BSplayer or change the overlay mode from mode1 to mode2 in the options section.

            Are you using the latest version:- Version 0.84.481?

            Make sure you have at least DirectX 7 or above.

            They also changed the rendering engine, but you can use the old one via the options section.

            This lot may help, but whos to say

