Movie wp rip editing

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    Movie wp rip editing

    Over the past few months I have obtained a quite a collection of work prints for different up and coming films for this year, the problem is that although the quality in both sound and visuals is excellent, barr the timecode and edit markers which play through the entire films about an inch from the top. Now I can edit these out using tmpenc and clip the frame markers in order to remove them from sight.

    But ideally the solution would be to find a way of removing just the artifacts and keeping full frame, Ive tried most of the conventional methods already, thats why I'm here to pick your brains .

    Thanx in advance.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "I have obtained a quite a collection of work prints for different up and coming films for this year"

    How does one go about obtaining these?


    • jmet
      Super Moderator
      • Nov 2002
      • 8697

      I think those are called "DVD Screeners"? lmao


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "I think those are called 'DVD Screeners'?"

        Nope, Mr. Moderator (read between the lines here). "Screeners" don't have timecodes on them. "Screeners" are finished versions of films provided to members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences...


        • jmet
          Super Moderator
          • Nov 2002
          • 8697

          umm "Mr. I Act Like A Moderator", Some "Screeners" can also have the "timecodes" on them. There are 2 different type of "Screeners". The first screener is given to the heads of the production team (producers, special effects coordinators, etc.) that does have the "timecodes" on them. After they review and give their recommendations, they then fix, improve it and release a 2nd "Screener" to then give to the "members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences".


          • FAIRLIGHT

            jmet, is quite right there are screeners availble with timecodes on but the difference here between the two stops.

            Workprints come straight from the studio so the studio will more than likely have a watermark on there claiming the movie as their property. Some of the movie may appear in black and white or have reel change countdowns. Workprints sometimes leak onto the net in VCD format.
            Or people in far off foreign countries can often be counted on


            So to sum up between the two, it is pretty rare to find screeners with the edit markers still intact as these have usually been removed by the time the film has been made upto a screener standard.


            As to how and where they come from sorry.


            And still the question remains on how to strip this media of the the artifacts.

            I did'nt think that this would be a touchy subject seeing as how this forum dedicates itself to the instruction media corruption via the use of encoding/decoding/dvd backups lol, I suppose it's ok if you own the original
            Attached Files


            • reboot
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Apr 2004
              • 695

              Get virtualdubmod, and the MSU subtitle and logo remover filter (Google it).
              Load the file, apply the filter, frameserve to the encoder.
              I just did this with the latest workprint of the most popular movie that came out last Friday (can't say the name).
              My DVDLab (and other) Guides


              • admin
                • Nov 2001
                • 8964

                I just did this with the latest workprint of the most popular movie that came out last Friday (can't say the name).
                Although you didn't say the name, you said pretty much everything else (which is against the rules)
                Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


                • reboot
                  Digital Video Expert
                  Digital Video Expert
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 695

                  Yeah, but I couldn't resist, because this technique applies not just to this particular video
                  My DVDLab (and other) Guides

