Extreme Lag problem

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    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2002
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    Extreme Lag problem

    ok, I am new with divx, so maybe someone can help me out here. I have a what I believe to be a divx encoded avi of a Beautiful Mind, anyway, When I play it with windows media player 6.4 its really laggy, I was reading on divx-digest, that i have to encode my wmp 6.4 with divx, so I installed Divx Alpha, and it said to go to properties while the movie is playing after I installed, and I went to it, and it doesn't say MPEG4 or Divx... is it lagging really bad because I installed it wrong, or have no idea what I am doing. I have win2000, help would greatly appreciated. thanks
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    Open video in WMP6.4. Go to File -> Properties -> Advanced. There you will find a window box containing all the filters in use. Most probably you will find a filter named 'DivX MPEG-4 DVD Video COmpressor' (Otherwise, it could be named 'DivX Codec'). Double-click on the filter.

    A new dialog box will come out and you should see a slider there. Drag the slider all the way to the left (Zero position). Press OK until you get back to the main WMP screen. Try playing the movie now and see if there is any improvement. Lowering your desktop colour depth to 16-bit/256 colour and screen resolution to 800x600/640x480 should help too.

    Just a thought. What is your CPU speed?


    • SOSANT
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2002
      • 4

      tryed that

      I have a Duron 850mhz, I alreadyed tryed to see if Divx was listed under the fliters and there was none that said Divx Player or Divx Codec, and under the Codec section it says Windows Media 8, I'm thinking I installed the codec wrong possibly, but according to the directions it didn't seem too complicated, I just extrated it to its own folder Alpha divx 3.11 and clicked install Register divx.exe and than it zip by real fast, so I assumed it installed the codec for windows media, and I downloaded virtual dub, becuase I thought maybe the files I downloaded weren't really divx files, but it said it detected divx files


      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417

        You have installed the DivX3.11 codec all right. However, it seems to me that you're using the newer Windows Media Player 8 instead. Go to x:\Program Files\Windows Media Player, where x is your Windows partition drive letter (Generally, it's C). Open up the file mplayer2.exe. This is WMP6.4. Follow my earlier suggestion and report back.


        • SOSANT
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2002
          • 4

          more info

          Well its windows media player 6.4 because I went to about and it says version 6.2 and the file is labled under mpeg2 to open windows media player, i think it says WMP 8 under codec because it has codec installed from version 8, but i'm not sure. I am gonna have to install my burner and see if the movie lags on other peoples computers, but none of my friends even no what divx is, see , I think windows 2000 might be the problem but I'm not sure, I was using global divx player to test out a vcd I own, and I noticed it lagged a bit too, not to the extent That I can't watch it, but enough, now A beautiful mind is like plays 2 seconds, pauses for a minute than, than plays 2 seconds again and pauses for a minute, but its not as though the seconds stop, at the bottem, where its the amount of time the movie is, the seconds keep going , like i'll be 10 minutes in the movies and i'll still be on the first 2 minutes of it.. maybe its just the movie.


          • SOSANT
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Mar 2002
            • 4

            ok I think I may have found the problem

            I download divxfix off divx digest.com and I went to check file and says its not a avi file , but see.. , it says not the file .avi , and when I go to properties it says its an avi? now I'm more confused


            • Enchanter
              Old member
              • Feb 2002
              • 5417

              Hold on there. You're confusing me. There is no Windows Media Player 8 for Win2K as far as I know. It's either Wmp6.4 or WMP7. Can you please make sure that you have opened your video in WMP6.4 (The plain-looking one with no whatsoever colourful bloatwares)? I have attached what the player description should look like in the About Window.

              After that, can you please post the list of codecs you see? It's in File -> Properties -> Advanced.

              Windows 2000 is the platform I'm currently using and I have no known problems with DivX.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Enchanter; 1 Apr 2002, 03:42 PM.


              • Enchanter
                Old member
                • Feb 2002
                • 5417

                In that case, the file may not be an AVI file (It's an easy matter to just change the extension of a file to .avi by simple renaming). Opening up the video file in Virtualdub and selecting File Information will reveal the details of the file. Can you post that here?
                Last edited by Enchanter; 1 Apr 2002, 03:41 PM.

